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'Farm Safety Newsletter' Home

  The farm safety newsletter is published 3 times per year to share farm safety information with rural Albertan's. The newsletter features farm safety articles, tips, activities and upcoming events.  

Recent Articles from 'Farm Safety Newsletter'

  From the September 2006 Issue of the Farm Safety Newsletter
National Safety Conference coming to Alberta
Kids and the Harvest Rush
Readin' Writin' and .... Safety
Protect Your Assets
Be Ready Be Safe
Farm Safety Resources

From the Aug 23, 2006 Issue of Farm Safety Newsletter
2005 Alberta Farm Safety Statistics
Safe Transport of Farm Equipment
Farm Safety Day camps are popular amoung rural youth
New Resources
Green Certificate

From the August 1, 2005 Issue of Farm Safety News
Let's Celebrate -- Let's Live!
Poultry Farm Workers: Reduce Your Risk of Campylobacter Infection
All-Terrain Vehicles: Safety Tips for Families
Kernels of Caution
Kids and Harvest - Keep Our Next Generation of Farmers Safe!
Flowing Grain Entrapment
Congratulations Shannon Blumhagen!!

From the Mar 1, 2005 Issue of Farm Safety Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Launch of Farm Safety-It's No Accident! CD-ROM a huge success!
Safety Rules! Day Camps
Falls on the Farm
Older Farmers Must Consider Hazards
Youth Safety Conference - What's In It 4 U?
Farm Safety Kids Club
Farm Safety Idol

  Last Reviewed/Revised on August 29, 2006.  

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