Native Plants and Reclamation

Establishing Native Plant Communities $30.00
This book will help anyone who is planning or implementing a native plant revegetation project. Read more...
Growing Native Plants of Western Canada $30.00
With over 100 pages of text and photographs, this book takes an in-depth look at 48 species of native plants that have shown promise for ecological repair. Read more...
A Guide to Using Native Plants on Disturbed Lands $30.00
This book provides useful and up-to-date information for the reclamation industry, seed producers and nurseries, land management agencies, municipalities, landscapers and gardeners. Read more...
Reclaiming Native Prairie (Video/DVD) $20.00
Industrial activity on public land often involves stewardship of the native prairie. Read more...
Restoring Our Native Prairie Heritage (Video/DVD) $20.00
Restoring Our Native Prairie Heritage is an examination of the factors that go into restoring a piece of land back to its native condition. Read more...

Other Documents in the Series

  Animal Production
Crop Protection
Farm Business Management
Ag Tourism
Food Safety
Native Plants and Reclamation - Current Document
Plant and Insect Identification
Predation of Livestock
Shop and Mechanics
Shows & Exhibitions
Soil Reports and Maps
Yards and Gardens
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on December 13, 2002.
Last Reviewed/Revised on March 30, 2007.