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  The Cattle Industry and Biofuels - Alberta Beef Producers are also meeting in Calgary this week.(Call of the Land 2006-12-05)

  "Powering the Peace" -- a Biodiesel Conference in Fairview - An interview with Gerard Aldridge(Call of the Land 2006-11-28)

  The Bioenergy Industry is Gaining Momentum - An interview with Agriculture Minister Doug Horner(Call of the Land 2006-11-20)

  Agriculture Canada Joins IFASA - Agriculture Canada joined IFASA, the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Alberta.(Call of the Land 2006-11-16)

  Energy Saving Seminar - Energy Saving Seminar being held in Peers Community Hall, Wildwood, on November 23, 2006(Agri-News 2006-11-15)

  Powering the Peace -- Bodiesel Conference - Powering the Peace conference and devoted to biodiesel.(Agri-News 2006-10-18)

  Sunfuel "How-To" Workshop - Albertans interested in learning how to make biodiesel fuel are invited to attend Lakeland College's award-winning Sunfuel workshop.(Agri-News 2006-10-04)

  New bioenergy investment energizes Alberta's agriculture sector - Announcement of initiatives by the Alberta government over the next five years to strengthen and expand Alberta's bioenergy sector(Communications Branch 2006-10-03)

  Powering the Peace - The Powering the Peace conference runs December 1-2, 2006, at the NAIT (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology) Fairview campus.(Agri-News 2006-09-27)

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