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Learning the 'Keys' of Being a Key Leader

  From the Nov 27, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 184K  
 On October 27 to 29, 2006, 4-H key leaders from across the province gathered for a weekend of learning, updating and reconnecting. The purpose of the Key Leader Training weekend was to educate key leaders and impart skills, knowledge and 4-H news to ensure that every club and district is receiving the most accurate and up-to-date information. Key leaders are selected by their district council on an annual basis to act as a support to districts and committees. Their exemplary service, their proven leadership abilities and their contagious enthusiasm form the basis of the selection criteria.

The weekend included many opportunities for information exchange, that always generates additional ideas and a lot of enthusiasm. The agenda included sessions on:

  • risk management
  • looking to the future – brainstorming ideas for the new Rural Development Fund
  • community boards – vitality and volunteers – a check-up for 4-H
  • introduction of the newly created Building 4-H Councils workshop module
  • pledge and program planning – translating the 4 H agenda into individual clubs’ agendas
  • new 4-H resources
  • tear two plans for 4-H Key Members
  • the 90 years of 4-H in Alberta promotion and how to market the program in the summer of 2007
  • introduction of new funding that is available to councils and clubs
  • the three C’s of 4-H – Club, Community, Country
“Key Leaders were keen to learn and eager to go back to their districts with great information on councils and work with other leaders to implement this new knowledge,” says Jocelyn McKinnon, 4-H specialist and weekend coordinator.

The 4-H key leader training weekend was sponsored by UFA. For more information on the 4-H Key Leader program or Alberta 4-H.

Contact: Jocelyn McKinnon (780) 674-8250

Other Articles From the Nov 27, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  Alberta Veterinary Surveillance Network Takes "Snapshots" of Livestock Health
Award-Winning Author Speaking at the 2007 Horse Breeders and Owners Conference
Rural Alberta's Development Fund -- Open for Business
Learning the 'Keys' of Being a Key Leader - Current Document
New AOPA Factsheets
New Feature on AGC's Internet Price Page
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Jocelyn McKinnon.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on November 22, 2006.

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