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'Agri-News' Home

  Agri-News is a news package published each Monday that has information of interest to Albertans on agriculture, food and beverage production, marketing, research, provincial events and policy, and home gardening. This regional and provincial information includes:
  • special projects in a district or region
  • farmers or farm families who have a particular success story
  • production information or advice
  • farm family advice or information
  • farm management information or advice
  • meetings/tours of interest to a region or the province
  • how-to stories.
Information contained in Agri-News is intended for redistribution. Feel free to reproduce articles contained in the Agri-News section. The editor appreciates the source being mentioned.

Lee Anne Bateman, Agri-News editor, welcomes stories or ideas that would be of interest to Agri-News readers.

Recent Articles from 'Agri-News'

  From the Dec 11, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Where Do You Want to Be in 2010?
Farmers' Advocate Office Helps Launch Understanding Agriculture 101
Berry Producers Keep Busy During Winter Months
Growing Experiences on the Farm
Choosing and Caring for Poinsettia
Manure Management Conference

From the Dec 4, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Alberta Agriculture Research Supports Growth of the Agriculture and Food Industry
Identifying and Controlling Insects in Grain Bins
Bennett Back at the 2007 Horse Breeders and Owners Conference by Popular Demand
Learn How to Grow Direct Market Income
Gifts for the Farmer Who Has Everything
Beef Congress in the Peace
Winter Feeding, Watering and Fencing Tour

From the Nov 27, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Alberta Veterinary Surveillance Network Takes "Snapshots" of Livestock Health
Award-Winning Author Speaking at the 2007 Horse Breeders and Owners Conference
Rural Alberta's Development Fund -- Open for Business
Learning the 'Keys' of Being a Key Leader
New AOPA Factsheets
New Feature on AGC's Internet Price Page

From the Nov 20, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Horse Breeders and Owners Conference -- 25 Years of Success
Agroforestry Manual for the Prairie Provinces
Sleep With the Animals -- An Ag Tourism Adventure
Biting Into an Agri-Preneur Scholarship
Agriculture and Food Council of Alberta Launches New Updated Website
AFMA Looking for Nominations
Energy Saving Seminar
Livestock Emergency Response Planning

From the Nov 13, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Branding Canada for the Food and Agriculture Industry
Don't Miss this Bus!
Seminar for Stable Owners and Managers
CASA Conference Focuses on Safety Challenges
Just Add a Little SALTT
Economic Livestock Impact Calculator
Agronomy Update

From the Nov 6, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
2007 Horse Breeders and Owners Conference
Good Help. It's Closer Than You Think
Farm Safety Always a Concern
Grow West, an Information Feast for Farmers' Market Vendors and Managers
Make a Winning Agri-preneur Scholarship Application
Farm Fresh workshop
Alberta Pulse Growers seminar
Breaking Ground

From the Oct 30, 2006 Issue of Agri-News -- Updated and Better Than Ever
Direct Seeding Conference Kicks Off Winter Extension
Alberta Representative Needed for the Canadian Farmers With Disabilities Registry
Business Success -- Is the Planning Completed?
Watering-in Plants for Winter
Special 4-H Training Weekend for 'Key Members'
Organic Connections 2006
Agronomy Update 2007
Branding Canada

From the Oct 23, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Food Processors Improving Food Safety
Sponsorship Opportunities to Attend Grow West
Post-Secondary Agri-food Processing Scholarship
Powering the Peace -- Bodiesel Conference
Swine Technology Workshop
One-Day Cattle Conference and Tradeshow
Green Industry Tradeshow

From the Oct 16, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Air Quality Inside Livestock Buildings
Cattle Reader Technology Enhances Traceability Initiative
Clubroot Found in Alberta Cole Crops
Don't be a 'Chinook' -- Grow West!
Think Small Business When You Say 4-H!
Autumn Needle Shed
Scholarship Takes Agripreneurs to Texas Convention
WANTED! Women of the Peace
Workshop for Young Adults in Ag Industries
Negotiating Seismic Contracts on Private Land

From the Oct 9, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Fall Weed Control
Changes to AOPA in effect October 1, 2006
Explaining the AOPA Extension Services
Alberta Enjoys a Mexican Summer
Elm-Pruning Ban in Alberta is Over
Alberta's Great Tree Hunt Receives Over 600 Nominations
Fall Yard Care
Mandatory Cattle Age Verification Deadline Suspended
Sunfuel "How-To" Workshop

From the Oct. 2, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Agriculture Looks to Foreign Workers
Powering the Peace
Alberta Beef Producers Fall Producer Meetings and Elections
Taking Care of Safety is Good Business
Agripreneur Scholarships Available to Attend Training Events

From the Sept 25, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
The Canadian Farm Families Options Program
Industrial Hemp Production Rebounding
A Pest's Eye View on Fall Clean Up
Make the Local Farmers' Market a Tour Stop
On-Line Weed Management Course

From the Sept 18, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
New Board to Set Direction for $100-million Rural Development Fund
BearSmart Program Launched for Agricultural Producers
4-H - The Perfect Fit for All Ages
Healthy Business Relationships Mean Healthy Lifestyles
Red Deer Swine Technology Workshop

From the Sept 11, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Dine Alberta
Thousands Make a Splash Monitoring Alberta's Waterways
Four New Members to the Alberta Grain Commission
Step by Step - Exporting to Mexico
Judging Competition Reaps Rewards
2006 North American Weed Management Association Conference

From the Sept. 4, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Increasing Profit by Using Year-round Grazing Systems
Alberta's Budding Cottage Wine and Mead Industry
Clubroot and Canola
Step-by-Step - Exporting to Mexico
Montana Trip a Rewarding 4-H Experience
Increased Slaughter Capacity for Bison
Dine Alberta - savour regional flavour in September

From the Aug 28, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
An Update on Alberta's Greenhouse Crops Industry
CAIS Producer Workshops
Regulatory Changes for Confined Feeding Operations
When You Represent Your Industry
Quality Livestock Transport Training at Olds College
Dutch Elm Disease - a Threat to Alberta Elm Trees
Another Successful 4-H Beef Heifer Show
Woodlot Workshops
Keep Malathion Away From Canola Seed

From the Aug 21, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Yellowfeed - A Greenfeed Alternative
Farm Tours That Draw Participation
CAIS Help Arrives in Rural Alberta
Alberta Goes Corn Maze Crazy
Dairy - Does a 4-H Body Good
When a Door Closes - A 4-H Window Opens
Livestock Transport Training Program

From the Aug 14, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Biosecurity and Equipment: Cleanliness is Just Good Business
Environmental Stewardship Poised to Play a Larger Role
Seeding Fall and Winter Cereals: Consider the Opportunities this Fall
Fair Compensation for Damages to Private Woodlots
Photo Images Capture the Spirit of the Gardens
AEFP Workshops in Fairview

From the Aug 7, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Biosecurity and New Stock
Compensation and Price...Most Common Questions for Woodlot Owners
Chem-fallow and Winter Wheat: an Ideal Situation
Zero Tannin Faba Bean and Lupin Research Results
Alberta Hosts the 2006 NAWMA Conference
Judging is a Confidence-Building Process
Dine Alberta Launching a New Look
Vauxhall Field Day

From the July 31, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Poultry Should be Kept Indoors or Penned
Blade Named Managing Director of AARI
Anthrax Outbreak in Saskatchewan
Failure to Launch? Not in 4-H
Silver Carp Research in Alberta
Pork Industry Conducts Study Into Greenhouse Gas Reduction
2006 Lacombe Field Day
Info for Greenhouse Operators

From the July 19, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Biosecurity and Visitor Access: Controlling and Tracking
CD Builds on Value Chain Conference Success
Fire Blight in Fruit Bearing Trees and Shrubs
No time to Focus
Invasive Plant Conference
Changes to Bluetongue Import Policy

From the July 12, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Tips for Travellers Visiting Farms
Selecting New Farm Enterprises
What are Ag Tourism Clusters and What are They Up To?
One-stop On-line Information on Ag Careers
Sheep Shearing Course
Bow Island Substation Field Day

From the July 5, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Disk or Hoe Opener Drill?
Field Slope Affects Erosion Potential
Agri-Food Discovery Place Open for Research
Southern Alberta Community Sets its Sites on Biofuel
Alberta's Great Tree Hunt is Underway
Master Gardener Program 2006
4-H Beef Heifer Show - A Big Deal
Thinking of Exporting?

From the July 3, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
BSE Surveillance Program Criteria Changing
Weather Information for Farms: Making Good Use of the Computer
Don't Generalize When it Comes to Silage Annuals
International Livestock Congress

From the June 26, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Grazing Annual Forages
Agriculture Commended for Environmental Stewardship
Field Slope and Why Producers Should Care
Focus on 4-H - Focus on Fun
Green Certificate Celebrates a Program Icon
Western Farmers Slow Response to Census Costs Canadians
Board Seeks Additional Members

From the June 19, 2006 Issue of Agri-News
Coalbed Methane Public Meetings
Dutch Elm Disease Awareness Week - June 24 to 30
An Adventure Indeed
Summer Events at City Farm in Edmonton

  Last Reviewed/Revised on August 28, 2006.  

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