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How Healthy Are We?

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Report on the Health of Albertans 2006
Table of Contents(1629 KB)
Introduction(740 KB)
Demographics(1400 KB)
  • Population Distribution
  • Immigration
  • Life Expectancy
  • Mortality
  • Fertility
  • Population Growth

Determinants of Health(2098 KB)

  • Self-Perceived Health Status
  • Tobacco Use
  • Cancer Screening
  • Birth Weight
  • Body Weight
  • Nutrition
  • Disability and Functional Limitations
  • Alcohol and Drug Use
  • Physical Activity

Mental Health(2252 KB)

  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Substance Abuse Disorders

Non-Communicable Disease(6031 KB)

  • Historical Context
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Chronic Respiratory Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic Renal Failure
  • Arthritis

Injury(2045 KB)

  • Unintentional Injury
  • Intentional Injury

Communicable Disease(3477 KB)

  • Historical Context
  • Communicable Disease Mortality
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Food and Waterborne Communicable Diseases
  • Vaccine-Preventable Communicable Disease

Conclusions(1033 KB)

Full Report(20037 KB)


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