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Wind and Solar Powered Pumping Units

 683 Wind and Solar Pumping System Tests (1990 Test Season)
692 Wind and Solar Pumping System Tests (1991 Test Season)
703 Wind and Solar Pumping System Tests (1992 Test Season)
737 Wind and Solar Pumping System Tests (1993 - 1996 Test Seasons)

Renewable Energy Pumping Systems

Renewable energy pumping systems have become economic alternatives for many agricultural applications. Typically, this type of pumping system is used in locations removed from an electric power source. In these instances, the cost of the pumping system is often less than the cost of extending the power lines from the nearest source. In Canada, the most common agricultural applications of these systems are livestock watering and sub-surface drainage. Livestock watering generally consists of pumping from a dug-out or stream to a watering trough to eliminate contamination of the water source. These systems can also be used to pump to pastures for livestock use as part of a grazing management system. Sub-surface drainage is installed to lower water tables or intercept discharge areas such as sidehill saline seeps or seepage from irrigation canals. The drains gravity feed to a central sump which is then emptied with a pumping system. Both livestock watering and sub-surface drainage are typically low lift applications less than 20 ft (6 m).

Summary of Wind and Solar Pumping System Tests (1990) (Evaluation Report - PDF File - 1.59 MB)

Solar Systems

  • Canadian Agtechnology Partners:
  • 2 Panel
  • 3 Panel
  • 4A Panel
  • 4B Panel
  • 8 Panel
  • Nor'Western Energy Systems Ltd.
  • Solar Econo-Sub

Wind Systems
  • Dutch Industries Ltd.
  • Delta 16
  • Maverick Wind Energy Ltd.
  • Windmotor
  • Prairie Ditching Ltd.
  • PD8-6
  • Wind Baron Corp.
  • Softwind 21

Summary of Wind and Solar Pumping System Tests (1991) (Evaluation Report - PDF File - 1.25 MB)

Solar Systems
Canadian Agtechnology Partners:

  • 2-47-T-M2
  • 3-43-M-F4
  • 4-47-T-RU
  • 8-53-M-RU
Nor'Western Energy Systems Ltd.
  • Solarflo

Wind Systems
  • Delta 16
  • Koenders
  • Maverick Windmotor
  • Softwind 21
  • Prairie #PD8-6

Summary of Wind and Solar Pumping System Tests (1992) (Evaluation Report - PDF File - 2.43 MB)

Solar Systems
Canadian Agtechnology Partners:

  • 348 MF5
  • 448 MRU
  • 448 TRU
  • Alta Jack Pump
  • Cap Screw Pump
Solar Innovations Inc.:
  • Solar Jack Sdsq

Wind Systems
  • Aermotor
  • Breeze-1
  • Delta 16 (15 Metre Lift)
  • Delta 16 (30 Metre Lift)
  • Koenders
  • Maverick Windmotor

Summary of Wind and Solar Pumping System Tests (1993-1996) (Evaluation Report -PDF File - 1.40 MB)

Solar Systems
Canadian Agtechnology Partners International Inc.

  • CAP 348SF5 Solar Pump
  • CAP 448TRU Solar Pump
  • CAP 448SF5 Solar Pump
  • CAP 348SF5 Solar Pump
  • CAP 348SRU Solar Pump
  • CAP 175SM3 Solar Pump
  • CAP 348SM5 Solar Pump
  • CAP 448SM5 Solar Pump
  • Grundfos SunSub 400
Kelln Consulting Ltd.
  • Single Module Aeration System
  • 6 Module Water System (Parallel)
  • 6 Module Water System (Parallel/Series)
  • 6 Module Water System (Parallel/Series)
  • Pump Jack Solar System
  • 3 Module Aeration System

Wind Systems
Tensigrity Systems Ltd.
  • Aermotor
Dutch Industries Ltd.
  • Dutch Junior (Water)
  • Dutch Junior (Aerator)
  • Delta 16A
Wind Powered Equipment
  • Breeze - 1 various configurations
Koenders Mfg. Co. Ltd.
  • Koenders (Aeration) various configurations
  • Koenders (Water) various configurations
Maverick Wind Energy Ltd.
  • Windmotor
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ken Janzen.
This document is maintained by George Ragan.
This information published to the web on December 18, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on May 3, 2005.

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