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Grade 1 Science Lesson Plans: Topic B Seasonal Change

 "What Time Is It?" explores the passage of time as it relates to months and seasons of the year.
"Make a Calendar" encourages students to see how different local foods become available as the growing season passes.
"A Spring Walk on the Farm" examines spring activities on the farm. This lesson provides strong Science-Language Arts links.
"A Threshing Competition" provides a hands-on activity that helps students examine plant seeds in the autumn.
"Examining Seeds" helps students closely examine plant seeds.
"Making Bread" shows students the changes plants exhibit as they grow from seeds to become the food we eat.
"Spring Plants on the Farm" highlights the importance of spring seeding on a farm or in a garden.
"Spring Babies on the Farm" helps students understand that seasonal change can be seen in animals as well as plants.
"Hatching Chicks" leads students to a greater understanding of the profound changes that animals experience as they grow.
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Brent Andressen.
This document is maintained by Charles Young.
This information published to the web on July 15, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on October 8, 2003.

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