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'City Slickers Harvest' Related Activities

 Related Activities for Unit II:
Cattle Drive: A Livestock Game
Planning to Move to the Homestead
Finding the Homestead
First Year on the Homestead

Related Activities for Unit III:
Part 1-Using Technology
The Old and the New: Developments in Agriculture
Latest and Greatest
Our Heritage, Our Future

Part 2-Feeding the Soil
Cultivation vs. Grazing
How Does Your Garden Grow

Part 3- Controlling Weeds
Take a Walk on the Weed Side

Part 4-Story of our Crops
Growing Conditions in Alberta

Related Activities for Unit IV:
Mapping Agricultural Products
Food Products from Grains & Oilseeds
Working the Marvelous MegaMachine Part A
Working the Marvelous MegaMachine Part B

Related Activities for Unit V:
The Payback Game
It's My Turn to Claim the Land
The Future of the Family Farm
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Brent Andressen.
This document is maintained by Charles Young.
This information published to the web on June 16, 2004.

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