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Post-secondary education and skills training

Budget 2006 features the largest ever, single-year increase in Advanced Education spending, a 19 per cent increase of $353 million for a total budget of $2.2 billion. By 2008-09, the budget will be over $2.5 billion.

In 2006-07, Human Resources and Employment will dedicate close to $294 million to programs and services that address skill and labour shortages. Budget 2006 features funding to boost the participation of under-represented groups, including Aboriginal people and immigrants, in the province's labour force.


The government will again pay tuition increases at all public, post-secondary institutions this coming fall.

$87 million will be provided to cover tuition increases, an increase of $44 million over last year.

Student Spaces

$61 million will go to universities, colleges, and technical institutions to create more spaces, expand apprenticeship training capacity, and encourage participation in advanced learning opportunities.

Support to Institutions

11.6 per cent increase to post-secondary institutions ($166 million) to a level of almost $1.6 billion. This includes base operating grant increases of $61 million in 2006-07 to address higher operating costs.

Budget 2006 — post-secondary Capital Plan details

Community programs

Six per cent budget increase (total of $19.7 million) to community programs such as:

  • literacy programs
  • English as a Second Language programs, and
  • immigrant bridging programs

Skills Training

The apprenticeship training budget will grow to $27.1 million. The total number of registered apprentices in Alberta is now more than 47,000 (98 per cent increase since 1995).

$8.1 million will be committed by Human Resources and Employment to help train apprentices (33 per cent increase). This increase will make apprenticeship training available to approximately 1,000 more people.

The Aboriginal Training-to-Employment program will be expanded to help almost 800 people (an increase of $3.6 million to a total of $6.3 million.) $40 million will be committed to other Alberta Works programming for training in occupations experiencing skill and labour shortages, an increase of $4 million benefiting about 400 more people.

$45.1 million to support immigrants including:

  • Making English as a Second Language training available to an additional 400 people, bringing the total number of people who benefit to 3,500
  • Providing 120 more professional immigrants with Canadian work experience through bridging programs
  • Enhancing settlement services

Student Loans and Scholarships

$14.9 million increase for scholarships, bursaries, and grants up to $84 million in 2006-07.

A total of $97 million will be allocated for student loans, up $13 million (15 per cent) from last year.

The Alberta Centennial Scholarships Program will begin awarding scholarships in 2006-07. The $652,000 program will provide scholarships each year worth $2,005 each to 25 post-secondary students in each province and territory across Canada, including Alberta.

Related story: Alberta to fund 325 new centennial scholarships across Canada (November 21, 2005)

Advanced Education
2006-07 Budget Distribution

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