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Education & Outreach

Canada’s National Arts Centre offers some of the most comprehensive and diverse programming for young artists and young audiences in the world. Educational activities are offered both in schools and at the NAC; professional development opportunities are available for young performing artists, and there is family programming to excite young minds. As promised in the National Arts Centre Strategic Plan: “Restoring the Vision, performing arts education has become a core activity of the National Arts Centre.

Programming for schools in Music, Theatre and Dance is outlined in the downloadable 2006-2007 NAC Programmes for Students and Teachers brochure. This publication is sent to schools in the summer prior to each school year.

Programming for schools includes:

To encourage students to attend public National Arts Centre events, Discount Tickets are available in a variety of ways including the student Live Rush! programme.

The NAC also offers a number of opportunities for the training and development of performing artists:

The NAC Orchestra’s Summer Music Institute consists of the:

Additionally, advanced string players will audition to participate in the Pilot Year of the NAC Institute for Orchestral Studies that will take place over four non-consecutive weeks from January through June 2007.

The NAC Orchestra also offers:

English Theatre offers the International Reading Series.

French Theatre offers Les Laboratoires.

Dance offers Masterclasses with visiting artists.

The NAC’s educational website presents a wealth of information for young people and teachers with interactive modules available in Music, French Theatre and most recently Dance.

A number of educational resources are also downloadable in the Publications section of the NAC website including Teacher Resource Kits and Study Guides.

For the public, the National Arts Centre offers a wide selection of Family Programming in all disciplines.

When the National Arts Centre Orchestra tours both nationally and internationally, education events outnumber concerts many times over. NAC Orchestra on Tour offers archived coverage of past tours.

Members of the public who are interested in becoming involved in the NAC’s educational and community outreach can join Parents for the Arts, the NAC Orchestra Association and Friends of English Theatre.

Education at the National Arts Centre Orchestra is supported by the National Youth and Education Trust.

National Youth and Education Trust

The National Youth and Education Trust is the primary resource for youth and education funding at the National Arts Centre. Supporters of the Trust help the National Arts Centre pursue priority initiatives that nurture and develop the creative talent and expressiveness of young people in the National Capital Region and across Canada.

In reaching out to Canada’s youth, the National Arts Centre offers programmes that train emerging artists (masterclasses, internships, Summer Training Programmes etc.), build young audiences (student matinees, open rehearsals, Live Rush™ etc.) and provide resources to teachers (resource kits, teacher information nights and

Contributions to the National Youth and Education Trust in support of programmes outlined in this issue of NAC Programmes for Students and Teachers are welcome. If you would like to make a gift, please contact the Development Department at (613) 947-7000, ext. 315. Donations may also be made online.

The National Youth and Education Trust is supported by TELUS, (founding partner of the Trust) CGI, SunLife Financial, Bruce Power, Forest Products Association of Canada, Michael Potter and Véronique Dhieux, supporters and patrons of the National Arts Centre Gala, and the National Arts Centre Foundation Donors’ Circle.


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