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Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program

The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP), which operates under an agreement with the federal government, can provide an alternate and quicker means of entry into Canada. This program allows Saskatchewan to nominate applicants, who qualify under criteria established by the province, to the federal government for landed immigrant status. The SINP offers:
  • The ability to select applicants whose skills and abilities best fit the province's needs
  • Consideration of applications that may not qualify under federal immigration criteria
  • Application processing times that are faster than other federal immigration classes
  • Assistance from Provincial Immigration Officers who are readily available to explain program requirements and processes
Who Should Apply?

SINP eligibility criteria reflect the specific needs of Saskatchewan's labour market and economy. The SINP currently has seven categories for nomination: Skilled Workers, Family Members, Long Haul Truck Drivers, Health Professions, Entrepreneurs, Foreign Students, and Farmers. You should apply to the SINP if:
  • You are a professional, skilled worker, or you are in a management position, and you have received an offer of full-time permanent employment from a Saskatchewan Employer.
  • You are a family member (between the ages of 18-49) of a Saskatchewan resident and you have received a diploma, certificate, or degree at least one year in length with related work experience.
  • You have been working as a truck driver for an approved Saskatchewan trucking company on a temporary work permit and you have an offer of full-time, permanent employment.
  • You are a health professional working in Saskatchewan on a temporary work permit and you have an offer of full-time permanent employment.
  • You are an entrepreneur who has identified a business opportunity in one of the province's key sectors or industries.
  • You are a graduated foreign student who has been working for a Saskatchewan employer for at least six months.
  • You are a farmer intending to purchase land for a farming operation in Saskatchewan.
What's New?

Over the past year, the SINP has been expanded in order to attract more people to the province:
  • A new Entrepreneur category was launched (replacing the "Business" category) which makes it easier for immigrant entrepreneurs to establish businesses in Saskatchewan. Under the new rules, immigrants can establish businesses in all economic sectors, unlike the previous business category which limited investors to certain sectors such as agriculture and energy.
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  • A Family Members category was created so that immigrant families in Canada can support family members from abroad who want to live and work in the province.
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  • The Long-Haul Truck Drivers project was expanded to allow any eligible long-haul trucking firm in the province to hire foreign drivers to help address labour shortages in the trucking industry.
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  • A revised Health Professions category was launched that expands opportunities for Saskatchewan Health Employers to fill regional shortages.
    View News Release
The Application Process

Step 1: Complete the appropriate SINP application package and submit it to the Immigration Branch of the Saskatchewan Department of Advanced Education and Employment.

Remember that your SINP application package must include:
  • the original Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) forms
  • copies of supporting documents according to specific category instructions
  • the original Government of Canada forms and copies of required documents
Step 2: Your SINP and federal applications will be reviewed by SINP program officers.

Step 3: If you meet the SINP eligibility criteria, you will be nominated to the federal government.

Step 4: When you receive notice of your nomination, you must then submit the federal application to the appropriate visa office of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).

Step 5: CIC will review your file and complete health, security, and criminal background checks.

Please submit the application and supporting documentation to:

Saskatchewan Advanced Education and Employment
Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program
300 - 1942 Hamilton Street
Regina, SK S4P 2C5

Phone: (Canada 001) 306-798-SINP (7467)
Fax: (Canada 001) 306-798-0713