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Yukon Nominee Program (YNP)


The Yukon Provincial Nominee Program is designed to attract business expertise and investment capital and to fill critical labour shortages in the territory. The program has two separate streams: the Business Stream and the Skilled Worker Stream.

Please refer to and complete relevant applications listed below.

Application Form New Yukon Nominee Program

Business Net Worth Statement

Personal Net Worth Statement

Business Program

The two categories are as follows:

1)  Entrepreneur

 This is the current business program and is intended to attract entrepreneurs, or owner/operators of small businesses to the Yukon. While most sectors are eligible, the priority industries include Information Technology, manufacturing, Value-Added Processing, Forestry, Tourism Products, Attractions, Services and Facilities, Energy, Mining/Mineral Development, Agriculture Cultural Industries and Film and Video Production. Retail, as a stand-alone operation, is not an eligible sector. This includes activities such as merchandising and food & beverage services/restaurants.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The applicant must invest a minimum of $150,000 CDN equity into starting or buying a business.
  • The applicant must have personal net worth of at least $250,000.00 CDN.
  • The applicant must have visited the Yukon at least once prior to application.
  • The applicant must have basic communication skills in one of the two official languages.
  • The applicant must have the necessary experience and education to successfully implement the business plan.

The applicant must submit an application and business plan that is reviewed by the Review Committee and either accepted or rejected under the program. When an applicant is accepted, a letter of support is issued for a work permit for up to two years to allow the applicant time to implement the business plan. Once the business plan has been implemented and verified, the individual is nominated for permanent residency in Canada.

2) Professional Self-employed

This program is designed to attract those professionals who are needed in the Yukon and who provide services through the establishment of business outlets or professional practices. This program only applies to those professionals that would be self employed. Professionals that will be employed by a business or other organization will apply under the skilled worker program.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The profession must be listed as a professional skill shortage.
  • The applicant must satisfy any certification or accreditation requirement for the profession or occupation.
  • The applicant must be licensed/accepted by the body governing the profession, if applicable.
  • The applicant must be able to conduct basic communications in the official language of the workplace.
  • The applicant must visit the Yukon so as to be aware of and have an understanding of the social, economic and weather conditions of the territory.
  • The applicant must demonstrate that he/she has sufficient financial resources to start and operate the professional practice and to support him/her and any dependents for a period of six months.
  • The applicant must submit a detailed business plan for the business or practice.

Application are reviewed by the Review Committee and either accepted or rejected under the program. Applicants accepted under the program will be supported for a work permit for up to two years to allow them time to implement the business plan. Once the business plan has been implemented the applicant will be nominated for permanent residency in Canada.

 Professional Skill Shortage List
(Data to Follow...) 


 Certification / Education

 Governing Body



Skilled Worker Program
Please refer to and complete applications listed below.

Application Form New Yukon Nominee Program

Personal Net Worth Statement 

There are two categories under the program:

1) Skilled Worker

The program is designed to attract qualified individuals that will meet identified shortages of skilled workers in the territory.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The applicant's trade or skilled must be listed as an occupational skill shortage.
  • The applicant must have the required certification or accreditation for the specific trade or occupation.
  • The applicant must be licensed or accepted by the body governing the occupation or trade, if applicable.
  • The applicant must be able to conduct basic communications in the official language of the work place.

Application Process

  • The applicant is required to submit his/her application to one of the businesses listed beside the occupation or trade listed in the Occupational Shortage table.
  • The required certification or licensing is listed in the table.
  • The business will decide if it wishes to extend an offer of employment to the applicant. The business will apply to have the individual sponsored under the Nominee Program. The business must provide a guaranteed job offer to the individual.
  • The Yukon will support the issuance of a two year work permit. If the worker has satisfied his/her employment obligations for one year, the Yukon will nominate the applicant for permanent residency in Canada.

The Yukon Nominee Program does not guarantee employment to successful applicants.

 Occupational / Trade Shortages
(Data to Follow...) 


 Certification / License

 Regulatory Body

  Employers / Contacts  


2)  Critical Impact Employee

This program is intended to assist Yukon businesses, industry associations or governments to acquire key personnel who have the potential to make a significant contribution to the business, an industry or the local economy. The individual's potential is derived from a combination of education, experience, financial resources, personal attributes, contacts or networks.

The program is employer, not applicant, driven. The business, association or government will identify the prospective employee and apply to have the individual sponsored under the Nominee Program. The employer must clearly demonstrate how the individual will make a significant impact and detail the unique or special attributes of the individual.

The Yukon Nominee Program does not guarantee employment and accepts no liability for the costs of the immigration application or relocation to Canada.

Internal Administration - Skilled Worker Program

  • The program is employer-driven. The employer applies to have an occupation or trade added to the shortage list. The request is assessed by a Review Committee and, if validated, the trade or occupation would be added to the Occupational/trade shortage list together with the contact information for the employer.
  • The Government may conduct surveys, studies and/or industry consultations to identify professional and occupational skill shortages.
    The employer is responsible for recruitment and relocation.
  • When the employer has selected an individual, details are forwarded to the Nominee Program. The details will include the individuals application form, proof of certification or accreditation and a guaranteed job offer. The review Committee will review the application including the applicant's certification and accept or refuse the application.
  • The Letter of support for the work permit is issued to the appropriate Port of Entry (POE).
  • The employer is required to submit a brief report on the individual within 12 months of the start date. If the individual has satisfied the terms of employment the Yukon will nominate the individual for permanent residency in Canada. Where substantiated and within reason the individual may change employers without jeopardizing his/her nominee application.
  • The existing government/private sector review committee reviews and either accepts or rejects applications under the program. Additional advisors or resource people may be added if needed and as appropriate.

Advanced Education
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-5131
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 5131
Fax: (867) 667-8555

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 07-09-2006