Do Provincial Employment Standards Apply?

The Employment Standards Act and Regulation apply to most workplaces in British Columbia.

There are certain exceptions and the questions below will help you find out if the Act and Regulation apply to you or your workplace.

  1. Are you an employee or an independent contractor?

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  1. Are you covered through a union by a Collective Agreement?

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  1. Is your problem about either a Record of Employment (ROE) or Employment Insurance (EI) Claim?

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  1. Some businesses or even entire industries are covered by the Federal Government's Labour Standards. Do you work for any of the following?
    • Government of Canada
    • Armed Forces
    • Banks (Not including Credit Unions)
    • Trucking that goes across BC's border
    • Federal Crown Corporations
    • Airlines and Railways (except BC Rail)
    • Television, Telephone, Radio and Cablevision
    • Marine Shipping, Longshoring, Grain elevators

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