Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada
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Facilities & Activities

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Plant Gene Resources of Canada is an integral part of the recently expanded and newly renovated Saskatoon Research Centre which is located on the University of Saskatchewan campus.

The activities that you are reading about on this page could not all be accomplished without the assistance of our increase sites.

Seed storage: Three rooms provide different controlled storage environments: medium-term (4°C), long-term (-20°C), or cryogenic (liquid nitrogen, -196°C).

Database: A sophisticated, computerized database management system is used to handle the massive amounts of data associated with the accessions. The data is divided into three categories - sample identification, evaluation and inventory management.

Acquisition: Canadian agriculture is based on crops that originate from areas outside of Canada. Germplasm is acquired from plant breeders, either locally or in foreign locations, from other genebanks and collecting trips.

Viability: Germplasm viability is checked regularly and seed stocks increased when required.

Rejuvenation: Samples are systematically increased in the field, greenhouse and growth cabinets.

Evaluation: Valuable traits in plants are identified so that they may be utilized by plant breeders in the development of improved varieties.

Distribution: Germplasm is available free of charge to any person with a valid use - mainly plant breeders and agricultural researchers, but also medical researchers and educators. Material can now be ordered via the Internet either through the GRIN-CA pages or through the Order Germplasm page.

Molecular Laboratory: Germplasm is analyzed using molecular techniques such as RAPDs, AFLPs and microsatellites to characterize molecular genetic variation

Agarose gel electrophoresis image of RAPD amplified genomic DNA from flax accessions

Date Modified: 2003 02 17