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Germplasm Request

Please refer to the Disclaimer, Privacy Statement, before entering any personal information.

Germplasm is available in small quantities to all bona fide users for crop variety development and plant science studies.

Requests from non-Canadian origins, refer to this information first.

To order:

Complete Request Form OR

Send e-mail to one of the following sources:

    the maintenance site of the accession (found with accession query in GRIN-CA) or

    to the Plant Gene Resources of Canada, distribution technician,
D. Kessler

Please provide the following information:

Your full name and title,
Mailing address,
Phone number,
Fax number,
Email address,
Special handling instructions,
Intended use, and
Accession identifiers desired (use a separate line for each identifier)

Please note that missing or incomplete information could result in the delay of sending and receiving material and Plant Gene Resources of Canada reserves the right not to distribute.

Date Modified: 2003 02 17