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Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperative Loans Act

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Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act (FIMCLA) Evaluation

Program description

FIMCLA is a federal government program designed to increase the availability of loans for the improvement and development of farms and the processing, distribution or marketing of farm products by cooperative associations. Under the Act, the government guarantees 80% of each loan made. The Minister is liable to pay to the lender 95% of a loss sustained as a result of a loan made, provided that the requirements of the Act and the Regulations have been met. The financial institution undertakes its own due diligence to determine borrower eligibility.

Replacing the Farm Improvement Loans Act (FILA) of 1944, FIMCLA increases access to credit for both farmers and their cooperative associations. FIMCLA guaranteed loans are intended to help borrowers improve farm assets, strengthen production, and/or improve financial viability. Borrowers also benefit from advantageous interest rates, lower equity requirements and flexible repayment terms. FIMCLA was designed to rectify limitations of FILA.

Evaluation objectives

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has hired, through a competitive process, Prairie Research Associates (PRA) Inc. to conduct an evaluation of the FIMCLA. This program has not been evaluated since it was enacted in 1987. The objectives of this evaluation are to:

- address issues related to the design and relevance of FIMCLA to the needs of the agricultural community
- assess the program=s accessibility and appropriateness within the Canadian farm loan business environment
- make conclusions about program management effectiveness, results achievement, and linkages to the Agricultural Priority Framework (APF)
- address issues raised by the lending community.

Evaluation methodology

The methodology for this evaluation involves:

- administrative data analysis
- document review
- benchmarking analysis
- client survey
- lender interviews
- other key informant interviews
- case studies.

What implications does this evaluation have for you if you are a FIMCLA client?

1) You may receive a letter and be asked to participate in a client telephone survey.

The purpose of the client survey is to understand your experiences with FIMCLA, in order to judge the effectiveness of this program in meeting your needs and to determine which changes should be made. This is also your chance to comment on your experience with this program and suggest how it could be improved.

We randomly selected farmers from a list of clients who have received a FIMCLA guaranteed loan. These clients will receive a letter informing them about the survey and soliciting their participation. Participation is completely voluntary. Should they not want to participate, the letter provides a toll free number to call to remove themselves from the survey. Someone from PRA will be calling some of these individuals to complete the telephone survey. To help respondents answer the questions, AAFC has provided the telephone interviewer with basic information on the respondent=s loan. PRA will use the respondent=s survey responses and information about his/her loan for statistical analysis. Respondents= information will be kept completely confidential, and PRA will provide AAFC with aggregate results only. Individual respondents will never be identified in any reports, and their information will not be shared with any other programs, financial institutions, or government departments.

What implications does this evaluation have for you if you are a lender?

1) You may be asked to participate in a lender interview.

The purpose of the interviews is to understand your experiences with FIMCLA as a lender, and to judge the effectiveness of the program in meeting the needs of your financial institution as well as the needs of agricultural producers. This information will help determine if changes should be made to the program. This is your chance to comment on your experience with this program and suggest how it could be improved.

2) You may receive a phone call from a client (farmer) who received a client survey.

The purpose of the client survey is to understand farmers' experiences with FIMCLA in order to judge the effectiveness of this program in meeting their needs and to determine which changes should be made. This is also their chance to comment on their experience with this program and suggest how it could be improved. See the section, "What implications does the evaluation have for you if you are a client" for a description of the survey protocol.

Your encouragement to clients to participate in the survey would be appreciated. A good response will enhance the credibility of the evaluation and support potential changes to the program that benefit clients and lenders.

Last Modified: 2000-10-20

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