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The Agri-Food Policy Framework - International

International Scientific Cooperation Bureau

Memorandum of understanding

A framework agreement for cooperation is a goodwill arrangement; it does not create obligations that are legally binding on the parties under international law. In the case of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, these agreements are reviewed by Foreign Affairs Canada (FAC) (opens in a new window) and signed by the Deputy Minister. The Chief Scientist International represents AAFC on the management committee. At times, the approval of the Minister's Office may be needed when the agreement has major political and/or trade implications.

  1. 1. Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in agricultural sciences between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Council of Agriculture in Taipei

  2. Flag of Belgium
    2. Cooperative Research Arrangement between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Haute École Lucia de Brouckère (HELDB)

  3. Flag of Chile
    3. Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the area of research and development in agriculture, agri-food and agri-business between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Chilean Institute for Agricultural Research

  4. Flag of the People's Republic of China
    4. Memorandum of understanding between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China concerning dairy science and technology cooperation

  5. 5. Memorandum of understanding for scientific collaboration and personal training in agriculture and agri-food between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China

  6. Flag of France
    6. Memorandum of understanding between the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) de la République Française and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada concerning cooperation in the field of agricultural sciences

  7. Flag of Israel
    7. Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in agricultural and agri-food sciences between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and The Agricultural Research Organization (ARO), Israel

  8. Flag of Israel Flag of the United States of America
    8. Memorandum of understanding for framework of cooperation in agriculture and agri-food sciences between United States, Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD) and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

  9. Flag of the United Kingdom
    9. Cooperative research arrangement for scientific and technical cooperation in Brassica genomics between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, (DEFRA), United Kingdom


1.  Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in agricultural sciences between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Council of Agriculture in Taipei

Council of Agriculture in Taipei
Purpose of cooperation
Areas and scope of cooperation
  • Council of Agriculture in Taipei

    The Council of Agriculture (COA) is Taipei's central authority in charge of the nation's agriculture, forestry, fisheries, animal husbandry, food administration, as well as planning for nature's conservation and agricultural development. The COA has 24 affiliated agencies, research institutes and district agricultural research stations that are responsible for administration, development and research in the areas of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and animal industry. The COA endeavours to achieve agricultural development that balances production, lifestyle and ecological and environmental concerns, building Taipei's agro-industry into a modern, technological, economical, cultural and recreational enterprise.

  • Background

    In 1994, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (the Canadian Trade Office in Taipei) signed a framework agreement for cooperation with the Council of Agriculture of Taipei. The Council is a government institution that funds research and development but does not have its own research facilities.

  • Purpose of cooperation
    1. Increase scientific cooperation among agricultural scientists and institutions of agricultural research, development and higher learning
    2. Provide agricultural researchers and institutions with opportunities to exchange information, ideas and skills
    3. Enhance opportunities to collaborate in innovative and creative solutions of common interest relating to agriculture and agri-food

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Flag of Belgium
2.  Cooperative Research Arrangement between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Haute École Lucia de Brouckère (HELDB)

Haute École Lucia de Brouckère (HELDB)
Forms of collaboration
Priority areas

  • Haute École Lucia de Brouckère (HELDB)

     "The five institutions gathered together (ISS, ISEC, Arthur Haulot Institute, Meurice Institute, CEPES) under the HELDB (opens in a new window) have a lengthy experience in human, scientific and social science education. They are committed to remain on the leading edge in their respective fields: economics, law, paramedical studies, pedagogy, science and agronomy. They also have developed a wide range of reorientation possibilities to other academic forms (particularly at the university level) in Belgium and abroad. These institutions who have contributed to the education of many professionals, have a multitude of contacts with the economic, scientific and all sectors linked to the 15 academic program offered. The institutions have the students take advantage of these contacts (through internships, seminars, conferences…) and thus ensure them a permanent link with the professional world."

    This arrangement involves the following HELDB-affiliated institutions: Arthur Haulot Institute, Meurice Institute, and the Centre d'information sur les intolérances et l'hygiène alimentaire.

  • Purpose

    The Parties have showed their interest in establishing scientific and technical cooperation on identification of the:

    1. Potential of allergenic proteins
    2. Nutritional evaluation
    3. Metabolic flux improvement in laboratories during propagation in preparation for the biomass drying process and
    4. Exchange of information on food intolerances and food quality and safety, in accordance with their respective missions
  • Objective

    The Parties will collaborate in agri-food research with the primary objective of strengthening basic and applied research as well as technology transfer and commercialization.

  • Forms of collaboration

    The Parties envisage activities of collaboration in forms that will include:

    1. Exchange of research scientists, technicians and graduate students
    2. Joint projects and activities between the respective research institutions of each Participant
    3. Information exchange through seminars and workshops and
    4. Sharing of non-confidential and non-proprietary scientific and technical information contained in articles, reports and reference materials
  • Priority areas

    The priorities for cooperation include the following areas:

    1. Aspects relating to the production and drying of lactic cultures as well as the selection of strains according to their resistance to osmotic stress conditions, capacity to accumulate protective compounds and ability to survive air drying
    2. Development of new methods for measuring the quality of foods and processed products
    3. New procedures for extracting and isolating allergenic proteins
    4. Food quality and safety and food intolerances
    5. Measurement and training methods for the evaluation of the sensory and nutritional quality of foods

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Flag of Chile

3.  Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the area of research and development in agriculture, agri- food and agri-business between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Chilean Institute for Agricultural Research

Chilean Institute for Agricultural Research
Forms of Collaboration
Priority Areas

  • Chilean Institute for Agricultural Research

    INIA is non-profit corporation of the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture, whose mission is to act as an agent of innovation in the creation, harnessing, adaptation and transfer of scientific and technological knowledge in productive agriculture.

    AAFC and INIA wish to build on a 1997 memorandum of understanding (MOU) between AAFC and the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile on Agricultural Cooperation.

  • Purpose

    AAFC and INIA, through this MOU, will endeavour to encourage further scientific collaboration between them in agriculture and agri-food.

  • Objective

    The objective of this MOU is to provide a framework to promote and encourage cooperation between the Participants in the area of research and development in agriculture and agri-food.

  • Forms of Collaboration

    Under this MOU, the Participants envisage forms of collaboration that will include activities such as:

    1. Joint planning, development and implementation of projects and programs
    2. Exchange of scientific experts, specialists, students and technical trainees
    3. Exchange and sharing of non-confidential scientific and technical information and materials, contained in articles, reports and reference materials
    4. Germplasm exchange and
    5. Provision of financial and other resources as available to expedite the collaborative research program(s)
  • Priority Areas

    The areas of cooperation foreseen by this MOU will be determined by the Participants and may include:

    1. Plant and animal breeding (For example: a Prunusavium breeding program in a joint arrangement with DDC and UNIFRUTTI of Chile)
    2. Precision Agriculture
    3. Germplasm exchange
    4. Biotechnology, including genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and bioinformatics.

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Flag of the People's Republic of China

4.  Memorandum of understanding between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China concerning dairy science and technology cooperation

Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (MOST)
Purpose of cooperation
Areas of cooperation

  • Purpose of cooperation

    The parties will work together to encourage their respective dairy industries to cooperate in the development of those sectors within the Chinese dairy industry offering the best opportunities for growth. The Canadian dairy industry has the expertise to assist in the development of China's dairy industry, through the sharing of knowledge, expertise, research, targeted training modules and best practices. The parties acknowledge that in order to further develop the Chinese dairy sector, there is a need to develop an integrated plan which encompasses all aspects of the industry such as dairy genetics, farm management, milk, animal nutrition, crop management, innovative dairy products, food safety and internationally recognized standards. They shall endeavour to cooperate with each other in the field of dairy science and technology on the basis of equality, reciprocity and mutual benefit.

    The parties wish to advance their respective objectives regarding sustainable agricultural production and China's accession to the WTO.

  • Areas of cooperation

    The parties will identify areas of possible joint dairy research and development. Proposals for cooperation among the parties could include, but are not restricted to, livestock systems, farm management, disease control, food safety and milk quality, animal nutrition and forage production and development of dairy products.

    The parties will cooperate in the development of exchanges of superior dairy genetic material and dairy products.

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5.  Memorandum of understanding for scientific collaboration and personal training in agriculture and agri-food between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China

Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China

  • Objectives

    The parties will collaborate, under the memorandum of understanding, on the following key objectives in the agriculture and agri-food sectors:

    1. Facilitate exchanges of AAFC experts and researchers and graduate students of Chinese Universities and Research Institutions affiliated to MOE, and provide each of the participants with opportunities to exchange scientific information
    2. Foster scientific collaboration and promote mutually beneficial joint projects among agriculture and agri-food scientists of AAFC and Chinese universities and research institutions affiliated to MOE such as the publication of studies and reports

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Flag of France

6.  Memorandum of understanding between the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) de la République Française and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada concerning cooperation in the field of agricultural sciences

Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
Priority areas

  • Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)

    Founded in 1946, the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (opens in a new window) (INRA) is a public institution that has responsibility for science and technology and reports to two departments, one responsible for research and the other for agriculture.

    It is charged with:

    1. Serving the public good while striking a balance between the requirements of research and societal demands
    2. Producing and disseminating scientific knowledge and innovations, primarily in the fields of agriculture, food and the environment
    3. Promoting expertise, training, scientific and technical culture, and science/society debate
  • Objectives

    The purpose of this memorandum of understanding is to encourage the following cooperative arrangements:

    1. Exchanges for student researchers, engineers and specialists
    2. Joint research projects
    3. Organization for joint seminars, workshops and conferences
    4. Joint participation in international research or training programs
    5. Exchange of documents, data and results between scientific research institutions and organizations
    6. Joint publication of books and projects
    7. Joint management of technology transfer operations
    8. Any other type of cooperation as agreed upon between the Parties
  • Priority areas

    The cooperation provided for in this memorandum of understanding can take place in the areas of agricultural technology and sciences that are of mutual interest and that the Parties will determine and approve. The priorities for cooperation include the following:

    1. Emerging and invasive illnesses, in particular for discussions on the useof phylogenomic and database methods, notably in the case of the Plum Pox Virus and various epizootic diseases
    2. Nutrition and food quality and safety
    3. Biovigilance in the application of biotechnologies
    4. Functional genomics, proteonomics and their application in developing new bioproducts
    5. Sustainable agriculture, the multifunctionality of agriculture, rural development and rural-area management

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Flag of Israel

7.  Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in agricultural and agri-food sciences between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and The Agricultural Research Organization (ARO), Israel

Agricultural Research Organization (ARO)

  • Agricultural Research Organization (ARO)

    The Agricultural Research Organization (opens in a new window) (ARO), the research arm of the Israel Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, is responsible for planning, organizing and implementing the greater part of Israel's agricultural research effort. ARO is concerned with solving current problems in agricultural production, with the introduction of new products, processes and equipment and with research investigations in order to achieve among the highest levels of agricultural output in the world. ARO is interested in maintaining international relations with organizations involved in promotion of good agricultural practice and in the increase of agricultural output.

  • Purpose

    The participants, through this memorandum of understanding for cooperation in agricultural sciences will endeavour to encourage broader scientific cooperation in agriculture between them.

    This memorandum of understanding is a goodwill arrangement, which reflects the current understanding of the participants regarding the matters described herein, and does not create legally binding obligations under international law.

  • Objectives

    This memorandum of understanding has the following objectives:

    1. Provide agricultural researchers and institutions with opportunities to exchange scientific information and facilitate the exchange of scientists
    2. Foster scientific cooperation and promote cooperative projects among agricultural scientists of both institutions
    3. Enhance opportunities to discuss issues of common interest to both parties relating to the management of science in an international context

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Flag of Israel   Flag of the United States of America

8.  Memorandum of understanding for framework of cooperation in agriculture and agri-food sciences between United States, Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD) and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

United States-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund
Priority areas

  • Purpose

    The purpose of this MOU is to provide a framework to foster collaborative mission-oriented research between agricultural scientists from AAFC and Israel based carrying out joint agricultural research in predetermined areas of high priority to both Canada and Israel.
  • Objectives

    This agreement has the following objectives:
    1. Provide agricultural researchers and institutions with opportunities to exchange scientific information and facilitate exchanges of scientists
    2. Foster scientific cooperation and promote cooperative projects among AAFC and Israel agricultural scientists
    3. Enhance opportunities to discuss issues on topics of common interest to the participants relating to management of science in an international context
  • Priority domains

    The priorities for cooperation are as follows:
    1. Insect resistance focussing chemical ecology of fruit tree borers and enhancing effectiveness of biocontrol agents
    2. Functional genomics including apple aroma, bioprospecting and of novel metabolic capability in plants
    3. Precision agriculture and application of remote sensing technologies at the farm and delineation of management zones
    4. Food safety and quality interactions between food ingredients, human pathogens,probiotics and DNA microarry for simultaneous detection of food born pathogens
    5. Animal science on physiological and endocrinological aspects of cattle reproduction coupled with robotic and biotechnology

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Flag of the United Kingdom

9.  Cooperative research arrangement for scientific and technical cooperation in Brassica genomics between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, (DEFRA), United Kingdom

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Forms of collaboration
Priority areas

  • Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
  • Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, (DEFRA)
    • DEFRA (opens in a new window) works for the essentials of life - food, air,land, water, people, animals and plants. Its mission is the pursuit of sustainable development - weaving together economic, social and environmental concerns. DFRA therefore:
      1. Brings all aspects of the environment, rural matters, farming and food production together
      2. Is a focal point and the environment
      3. Has roles in both European Union and global policy making, so that its work has a strong international dimension
  • Purpose

    The Parties have showed their interest in establishing scientific and technical cooperation on bioscience and biotechnology research as it relates to agriculture and agri-food, and have decided that other governments, departments, universities and industry members will participate in activities under this agreement.

  • Objectives
    1. Provide agricultural researchers and institutions with opportunities to exchange scientific information and to facilitate exchange of scientists
    2. Foster scientific cooperation in the areas of Brassica genomics research and promote cooperative projects among agricultural scientists of both institutions
    3. Share of non-confidential and non-proprietary scientific and technical information contained in articles, reports and reference materials
  • Forms of collaboration
    1. Exchange of research scientists and technicians.
    2. Joint projects and activities between the respective research institutions of each of the participants.
    3. Information exchange through seminars and workshops.
    4. The sharing of non-confidential and non-proprietary scientific and technical information contained in articles, reports ans reference materials.
  • Priority areas
    1. Creating common reference resources to facilitate the global integration of Brassica genomics for the benefit of crop improvement such as:
      • Linking physical and genetic maps to develop a definitive overview of genome organization in Brassica
      • Pooling markers to track the inheritance of genes with higher resolution
      • Sharing mapping populations to allow correct integrations of data from different research groups
      • Harmonizing bioinformatics capacity to enhance technical communication
      • Creating and accessing genetic variation for future exploitation in crop improvement and
      • Establishing a common use of Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) to accelerate technology transfer from Arabidopsis to Brassica
    2. Promoting effective technology transfer and resource sharing between United Kingdom and Canadian researchers in the areas of Brassica genomics and genetics
    3. Stimulating rapid utilization of genomics in a wide range of plant physiology, biochemistry and pathology activities to enhance the environmental and economic sustainability of Brassica crops
    4. Providing a template for developing broader international collaboration intended to accelerate research in the genomics of Brassica species and
    5. Working towards open use and common development of resources and free exchange of data whenever possible


Date Modified: 2006-10-11   Important Notices