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Directory of Research
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Life sciences revolution
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Research at a glance
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The Life Sciences Revolution

The new millennium has finally arrived. And along with this calendric event is the germ of a revolution that, when full-grown, will stand shoulder to shoulder with the colossal upheavals that have shaped our world – the agrarian revolution, the industrial revolution, the high-tech revolution.

We are on the threshold of the life sciences revolution. As we begin to unravel the mysteries of life itself, we will increase our knowledge and understanding of the world around us and within us. And that will lead to a better quality of life for all of us.

This meshes well with the goal of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, whose raison d'être is to improve the quality of life for all Canadians. And achieving this objective relies heavily upon research.

Of course it is the agri-food sector that ultimately delivers on this goal, with the department providing direction and support. Broadly speaking, this guidance is offered in three areas, based on what Canadians expect from their food supply system.

First of these is the security of the food system. This encompasses the concepts of risk management, a secure marketplace, and consumer confidence. It's pretty clear that research plays a role in all these issues.

Likewise for the second area, the health of our environment. In the categories of environmental awareness and environmental stewardship, research is a critical force.

Finally, the area of innovation for growth simply does not happen without R&D. Whether it's innovation and discovery, skills and investment, or market diversification, research is the engine that drives the show. These key results are the spine of AAFC's life science agenda.

Date Modified: 2003 01 24