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Directory of Research
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Life sciences revolution
How to use the directory
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Research at a glance
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Employees, responsibilities, organization
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Research Achievements
Priorities, programs, and themes
Research fields
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Research Centres
Mandates, contacts
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Welcome to the Directory of Research (1999–2001)

How to use it

In this directory you will find everything you need to contact the people doing research at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). The annual reports on research for the past two years are combined here in the current edition.

The aim of research at AAFC is to support the efforts of Canada's agrifood sector to develop and produce competitive products in an environmentally sustainable manner. Under "Research" from the drop down menu on the left, select a program or a key result to read about just some of the recent achievements that advance the life sciences agenda at AAFC. Link from these success stories to AAFC's 19 research centres doing parallel work right across Canada.

Each of our research centres has a specialized national focus, providing one-stop shopping for key areas of agrifood research. Commodities that cover a broad spectrum of ecozones are served by our comprehensive networks, within which partnered centres each place emphasis on the particular strengths of the local agricultural and agri-food sector. Our interconnected approach allows AAFC to deal with challenges at many levels, from managing our resources, to breeding new crop varieties, to protecting crops against pests, and to developing new and innovative Canadian food products like nutraceuticals and functional foods for domestic and international markets.

Our family of research centres gets a further boost from the Matching Investment Initiative (MII). The MII allows the department to match, one-for-one, private sector investment in collaborative research in our labs. It also allows us to set our research priorities in tune with market signals.

For us to be successful, we must communicate effectively with our clients and research partners in industry, universities, and governments. AAFC's Directory of Research 1999–2001 is one important way we help foster this communication. It is intended to help our clients and partners get in touch with us to access information and explore collaborative opportunities.

Please consider this directory as a door to research in AAFC. Enter by clicking on Staff to contact our employees, find people with the expertise you looking for, and browse our organization to see how people fit together.

Choose Publications if you wish to search a national inventory of published information. You will be able to find work by a particular author, in specific regions or from a known research centre, in a particular year, on any subject.

Choosing Archives allows you to look back at previous years' information.

We hope that producers, businesses, researchers, students, and government officials, nationally and internationally, will take advantage of this directory to guide them in their search for information and contacts concerning our programs, our centres, and our people. We invite you to get in touch with us.

Gordon Dorrell
A/Assistant Deputy Minister, Research

Date Modified: 2003 01 24