Defence Construction Canada
Defence Construction Canada

Corporate Information

DCC is a Crown corporation, accountable to the Canadian Federal Government through the Minister of Public Works and Government Services. Created in 1951, we have one client - the Department of National Defence (DND). Our accumulated experience gives us an unparalleled "corporate memory" of DND infrastructure needs, and over the years, we've made working with DND easier and easier. Over time, we've grown beyond construction to provide a host of other value-added services, including project, environmental services and operational support services. As such, we updated that relationship with DND through a new memorandum of understanding in 2001.

Board of Directors

As a Crown corporation, we have a board of directors, which has been appointed by the Governor-in-Council on the Minister's recommendation. This board includes people from both the private and public sectors, who bring to the board their experience in engineering, construction, law and public policy.

Meeting Obligations to Canadians

Canadians have set a high bar for what they expect from their public institutions. DCC has responded to policy priorities that Canadians have set through their members of Parliament.

Here are some of the ways we contribute to federal policy objectives.

  • We exercise fiscal responsibility in awarding and managing publicly funded contracts.
  • We encourage employment equity and a work environment that supports the human rights of our people and their right to function in either official language.
  • We support privacy and access to information rules.
  • We provide broad access to federal business opportunities.
  • We encourage competition for tenders.
  • We support and encourage business opportunities with Aboriginal enterprises.
  • We incorporate the requirements of national and international trade agreements into our procurement practises.

Meeting Environmental Objectives

Just as DND has made sustainable development a priority, so have we. DCC is committed to the principles of sound environmental stewardship, including those related to sustainable development and to the practice of due diligence. Our Environmental Management Framework outlines our corporate strategic direction and long-term objectives when it comes to addressing the environmental aspects our activities.

Corporate Social Responsibility


As a federal Crown corporation, DCC strives to demonstrate the importance of ethics and accountability while maintaining the confidence of its stakeholders throughout all of its business operations. DCC is committed to the following tenets:


Diversity of Workforce

DCC acknowledges that its chief asset is people and that corporate successes are built on employee abilities and commitment. One of DCC’s strengths is its dedicated workforce of professionals. The team consists of a mix of engineers, engineering technicians and technologists, environmental scientists and experienced tradespeople. Other specialists in finance, human resources, information technology, communications and administration support these employees. DCC is an equal-opportunity employer committed to diversity.  


Encouraging Competition

DCC plays an important role in the implementation of government policy in areas relating directly to the Government of Canada’s contracting requirements. For example, in its business operations, DCC provides broad access to business opportunities and encourages competition. This is demonstrated by the Corporation’s use of MERX, Canada’s official public sector electronic tendering service. With a target of having 99% of all contracts being publicly tendered, as opposed to being sole sourced, DCC contributes to a level playing field for Canadian businesses. Knowing that protecting the interests of Canadians remains paramount, DCC demonstrate fiscal responsibility in the award and management of publicly funded contracts.


Environmental and Safety Responsibilities

The DCC Board of Directors and management group are committed to the principles of sound environmental stewardship, to the practice of due diligence and, as a public institution, to meeting the expectations of Canadians.


DCC’s Environmental Management Framework outlines the strategic direction and long-term objectives of the environmental aspects of DCC’s activities. DCC has integrated environmental procedures into day-to-day operational and administrative processes.


Maintaining a Safe Work Environment

The management of employee occupational health and safety remains a concern of the Board, Senior Management and the Environmental, Safety and Health Committee. DCC continues to invest in safety-related communications and training activities.


Employees have developed an increasing awareness of health and safety issues and the Committee and the National Safety Coordinator remain highly committed to maintaining DCC’s excellent record as a safe workplace.


Official Languages

DCC Supports federal policy objectives in regard to the Official Languages Act and strives to offer bilingual services in all office locations where required, and receives few complaints under the Official Languages Act. When received, they are resolved quickly.



Transparency of operations is integral to DCC’s business strategy, and the Corporation complies with the letter and the spirit of both the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.


DCC’s Board of Directors submits yearly reports for the fiscal year end. The submission is made in order to fulfill the Board’s responsibilities respecting governance of the Corporation and in accordance with Part X of the Financial Administration Act.


Values and Ethics

In 2003-04, DCC drafted a Code of Business Conduct to reaffirm the ethics, values and standard conduct for employees of the Corporation. Ultimately, DCC is an organization that is responsible to the people of Canada. Because employees award and manage contracts involving hundreds of millions of dollars, management has intentionally set the bar for ethical standards very high. By complying with appropriate standards of conduct in business activities, employees reinforce the Corporation’s reputation, image and success. Adherence to the code, which applies to all continuing and term employees of the Corporation, is a condition of employment. The new code will require that employees sign a document certifying that they have read and understand the code and that they are obliged to review the code once a year.


Employment Equity

DCC provides a working environment that promotes respect and regard for the rights and dignity of all employees, including fair and equitable treatment in compensation.


All positions within DCC are established through an assessment of the value of each position in comparison with all jobs performed within the company. This assessment is based on a composite of skill, effort, responsibility and the conditions under which each position must be performed. The value of the position remains constant unless the nature of the job itself changes. The assessment is unrelated to the qualifications, personal attributes or gender of the incumbent.