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New Discoveries - High Risk Grants (Archived)

Request for Applications - Archive

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Institute of Genetics
Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction


The purpose of New Discoveries - High Risk Grants program is to encourage novel, innovative, and inventive research. Successful applications will be unique, original, and /or extraordinary but of excellent quality and potential.

The value of a single grant is $60,000 per year (including equipment) for two years. The Institute of Genetics has allocated 300,000 per annum for this program.

The Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction will contribute to this program through the strategic initiative in Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine: Innovative Approaches in Health Research.


December 1, 2003

Registration Deadline - Registration packages must be courier stamped by this date. (Please refer to "How to Apply" section of this document.)

February 1, 2004

Full proposals must be courier stamped by this date. (Please refer to "How to Apply" section of this document.)

June 2004

Anticipated notification of decision

July 2004

Anticipated start date

Duration of projects

Up to two years

Funds Available

Up to $300,000 per annum from IG. The maximum amount per grant is $60,000 per annum, including equipment.

Additional funding from INMHA is available through the strategic initiative in Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine: Innovative Approaches in Health Research. The total amount available will be determined based on the quality of applications.

Table of Contents

Specific Objectives and Eligible Research Areas
Who is Eligible to Apply?
Specific Eligibility Requirements
Mechanism of Support
Funds Available
Allowable Costs
How to Apply
Evaluation Process and Criteria For Peer Review
General CIHR Guidelines and Conditions of Funding
Performance Measurement and Evaluation
Address for Submitting Application and Contact Information


Creating new knowledge rapidly through bold initiatives is a cornerstone of CIHR and its future directions. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to obtain seed funding to test high risk but high impact ideas in health research, since proof of concepts and other factors often take precedence in peer review deliberations. A program in which the most novel (high risk) research ideas are supported as a major criterion in the review process is required.

The purpose of this New Discoveries - High Risk Grants program is to encourage novel, innovative, and inventive research. Successful applications will be unique, original, and /or extraordinary but of excellent quality and potential. The proposals are expected to:


Institute of Genetics

The CIHR Institute of Genetics will support excellent research on the genetic and biochemical basis of health and disease (including the interaction of genes with the physical and social environments), to facilitate the translation of research findings into health policy and practice, and to examine the ethical, legal and social implications of genetic discoveries.

Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction

The vision of the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA) is that innovative research will provide new knowledge of the biological and socio-cultural processes underlying neurological, mental and addictive disorders. As such, the INMHA's mission is to foster excellence in innovative, ethically responsible research in Canada that aims to increase our knowledge of the functioning and disorders of the brain and the mind, the spinal cord, the sensory and motor systems, as well as mental health, mental illness and all forms of addiction. The INMHA intends to support initiatives that mobilize and link scientists in innovative collaborative programs across these research domains. The INMHA seeks to translate this new knowledge into a better quality of life for all Canadians through improved outcomes, health promotion and health care services.

As with all CIHR programs, partnership arrangements leading to health research innovations are encouraged.

Specific Objectives and Eligible Research Areas

The specific objectives of this request are:

The eligible research areas

The Institute of Genetics will accept proposals from any or all of the four CIHR research pillars (biomedical, clinical science, health systems and services, and the social, cultural and other aspects that affect the health of populations).

The Institute of Genetics encourages applications in any area within the mandate of the Institute of Genetics, including:

The Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction encourages applications in any area embraced by the strategic initiative in Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine: Innovative Approaches in Health Research.

Please see the Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine strategic initiative announcement for more information.

Who is Eligible to Apply?

Eligibility criteria for all CIHR research funding (grant) programs apply. Please refer to Eligibility for Research Funding Programs on the CIHR website.

The business office of the institution of an eligible Principal Applicant generally administers CIHR funds. The eligibility requirements for Institutions are found on the CIHR website in the Financial Administration of Funds Guide.

Specific Eligibility Requirements

There are no specific requirements.

Investigators in the following categories are encouraged to apply:

Mechanism of Support

This RFA will follow CIHR's general guidelines for the operating grant program, which provides support for a research project by an individual or team of investigators.

Funds Available

This RFA is a one-time, non-renewable grant that will provide funding for up to 2 years

Allowable Costs

Support will be provided for:

Funds should be aimed at methodological or intellectual content innovations as opposed to personnel or training innovations (the latter being supported by CIHR elsewhere).

Applicants should review CIHR's guidelines on Eligible Expenditures for Research Funding Programs for a complete listing and description of allowable costs and activities.

The full application must provide a detailed justification of all costs.

How to Apply

We strongly encourage applicants to use the Common CV. The existing CIHR CV module will be accepted for current competitions; however, it will not be accessible for revisions after May 4, 2003. The CIHR CV can only be viewed and/or printed for a one-year period from this date - this will allow users who do not need to update their CV to view and print it up until May 2004. Therefore, applicants wishing to update their CVs must use the Common CV, which can be accessed from the entry page to the CIHR Web forms (refer to the Checklist link below). First-time users must register to obtain access to the Common CV system. On the Common CV web page, the applicant has to select LOGON, and then consent to the End-User Agreement, in order to get to the registration form.

There are two steps to this Request for Applications.

A. Registration:

Register for the competition by using the CIHR Operating Grants Registration Checklist to access the necessary guidelines and forms. Having selected "Create a New Application", choose the sub-heading "Operating" under Research Funding Programs to fill out the applicable sections, and then use the print option "Registration Pages Only". The registration package consists of pages from the CIHR Research Module, in addition to pages one and two of the Common CV for each applicant and co-applicant participating in the research project.

Signatures at the bottom of page 1 of the Research Module are not required at this stage. However, the Nominated Principal Applicant's signature is required on page 2.

Send the original, plus one copy, of both the registration pages and the CV pages to CIHR by December 1, 2003 via courier service (i.e. courier stamped by this date at the latest).

To ensure that your registration and your application are forwarded to the appropriate CIHR staff, indicate "New Discoveries - High Risk Grants, Institute of Genetics and/or Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction" under the heading "Strategic Initiative/RFA" in the Research Funding Programs section of the Research Module Web form (page 7 in the PDF format), and on the Routing Slip, which gets automatically generated when using the Web form.

B. Full Application:

Complete the full application by using the CIHR Operating Grants Full Application Checklist. Follow the same steps as in the registration stage, and then print the completed modules. The full application package consists of the CIHR Research Module; the CIHR Operating Budget Module; and a Common CV for each applicant and co-applicant participating in the research project. Be sure to refer to the Guidelines for Completion that are specific to each module. For instance, when completing the CIHR Operating Budget Module, it is important to be aware that a detailed justification of all project costs must be provided.

  1. CIHR Research Module
    • For the "Research Proposal" section, the submission is limited to a maximum of 6 pages (rather than the usual 11 pages required for regular operating grant applications) with at least one page of the six describing how the proposal is innovative, what its potential impact will be, and how it departs from the approaches currently used.
    • All signatures are required, as requested in the module.
    • Indicate "New Discoveries - High Risk Grants, Institute of Genetics and/or Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction" under the heading "Strategic Inititative/RFA".
  2. CIHR Operating Budget Module
    • Provide a detailed justification of all project costs. Costs to be covered by CIHR's funding partners should be listed in the "Other Funding Sources" column on Page 1 of the Budget Module.
  3. Common CV Modules (or CIHR CV Modules if no updates)
    • Submit full CV modules for the Nominated Principal Applicant and all other applicant (if applicable).

One original, plus four copies of the full application, must be sent by February 1, 2004 via courier service (i.e. courier stamped by this date at the latest). Only complete applications will be considered.

Evaluation Process and Criteria For Peer Review

Each proposal must describe how the grant will address one of the important health issues described under "Specific Objectives and Eligible Research Areas" above.

Applications will be evaluated by a CIHR peer-review committee. The committee may be drawn from one of CIHR's pre-existing committees or may be created specifically for this Initiative. Committee members are selected based on suggestions from many sources including the Institute(s) and partner(s). Names of committee members are published on the CIHR website. The committee will follow the CIHR peer review process for grants.

General criteria for assessing applications are listed below. It is understood that referees and committees will weigh questions such as these differently from one application to another.

The Research Proposed

The Applicant's Productivity, Experience and Training

In addition to these general criteria, the peer review committee shall consider the criteria below:

On completion of the review, the Institute(s) and partner(s) will receive the ranking lists, merit scores (ratings) and recommendation of the Committee for the applications submitted. Based on the total funds available for the initiative, applications will be funded from the top-ranked down as far as budget will allow. Applications receiving a score less than 3.5 will not be considered for funding.

General CIHR Guidelines and Conditions of Funding

All conditions, as specified in CIHR's Grants and Awards Guides, shall apply to those funded through this initiative. Conditions cover areas such as Applicant and Institutional Responsibilities, Ethics, Official Language Policy, Access to Information and Privacy Acts, Acknowledgement of CIHR support etc. Successful recipients will be informed of any special financial conditions when they receive CIHR's Authorization for Funding Form (AFF). The Nominated Principal Applicant will be required to submit a final report to CIHR summarizing the results and describing how the grant funds were used.

In addition to CIHR standard guidelines and requirements the following shall apply:

Communication Requirement

Recipients who receive funding are required to acknowledge the CIHR Institute(s)/partner(s) in any communication or publication related to the grant as follows: CIHR-Institute of Genetics and/or CIHR-Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction.

Performance Measurement and Evaluation

The CIHR IG and INMHA have made plans to assess performance of this initiative through ongoing monitoring and periodic evaluation. We are committed to informing Canadians about the performance of our initiatives and the results that they deliver.

The following table is intended to further clarify objectives by linking them to expected outcomes and measures. All funded applicants will be expected to participate in the evaluation strategy, contributing advice, data and reports as required for assessment purposes.

Grant recipients are expected to participate in the survey designed to determine the effectiveness of this program, by filling out a questionnaire that will be distributed within two years of the termination of the program.

Measure / Indicator

To promote the development of novel, innovative, inventive, high risk, and high impact health research.

Development of new important knowledge.

The generation of valid, reliable data.

Success/effectiveness of the research project.

High quality publications (long term).

Conferences (short term).

To create an environment and review culture in Canadian Health Research that supports the most novel applications and ideas.

Increase in the number of successful applications to carry out innovative research.

Innovative culture is accepted.

Increased collaborations between researchers.

Number of projects that follow through to the regular operating grants competition.

Amount of collaboration between researchers.

The views of the research community on the relevance of health research.

To facilitate the rapid transfer of research findings through appropriate communication strategies.

Improved health care and strategies for preventing disease. Translation, dissemination and use of results (quantity and quality of clinical and lay publications, etc.) (long term).

Address for Submitting Application and Contact Information

Send Application by Courier to:

RE: "New Discoveries - High Risk Grants"
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Research Portfolio
410 Laurier Avenue W., 9th Floor
Address Locator 4209A
Ottawa, ON K1A 0W9

Contacts for Further Information:

For questions on CIHR funding guidelines or how to apply contact:

Melody Sajedi
Program Delivery Coordinator
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
410 Laurier Avenue West, 9th Floor
Address Locator 4209A
Ottawa, ON K1A 0W9
Tel: (613) 957-6125; Fax: 613-954-1800

For questions about this initiative and research objectives contact:

Institute Representatives

Stephanie Robertson, MA
Assistant Director for Special Projects - Institute of Genetics
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Telephone: (613) 954-0533
Fax: (613) 954-1800

Eric Marcotte, PhD
Project Manager - Strategic Initiative in Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Telephone: (905) 464-1859

Created: 2003-06-30
Modified: 2004-04-29