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Le renoncement au tabac et la grossesse

Un examen des pratiques exemplaires de renoncement au tabac conçues pour les filles et les femmes pendant la grossesse et la période postnatale


Annexe A : Préparation du maintien de l’abstinence tabagique après l’accouchement

Détermination (à la 28e semaine de la grossesse) de la probabilité du maintien de l’abstinence tabagique après l’accouchement :

  1. En ce moment, lequel des énoncés suivants décrit le mieux l’objectif que vous visez à l’é-gard de l’usage du tabac après votre grossesse? 1) vous abstenir de fumer, 2) limiter les lieux et les occasions où vous vous autoriserez à fumer, 3) recommencer à fumer, 4) votre objectif n’est pas encore très précis pour l’instant.
  2. Quelles sont les probabilités que vous recommenciez à fumer dans les six mois qui suivent la naissance du bébé? 1) très forte probabilité, 2) forte probabilité, 3) probabilité assez grande, 4) probabilité très faible, 5) aucune probabilité.
  3. Depuis votre dernière consultation prénatale, avez-vous touché à une cigarette (ne serait-ce qu’une bouffée)? 1) oui, 2) non

Tiré de : Stotts et al. (2000). Postpartum return to smoking: Staging a “suspended” behavior. Health Psychology, 19, 324–32.

Annexe B : Tableau des études incluses dans l’examen

Tableau 8.1 Études incluses dans l’examen (publiées ou réalisées après 1990)

Annexe C : Tableau des études éliminées de l’examen

Tableau 8.2 Interventions éliminées de l’examen (études publiées après 1990)

Annexe D : Bibliographie des interventions axées sur le renoncement au tabac, mentionnées dans des revues spécialisées

Aaronson, N., Ershoff, D. et Danaher, B. (1985). Smoking cessation in pregnancy: a self-help approach. Addictive Behaviors, 10(1), 103-108.

Albrecht, S., Payne, L., Stone, C. et Reynolds, M. (1998). A preliminary study of the use of peer support in smoking cessation programs for pregnant adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 10(3), 119-125.

Anonyme. (1997). Smoking cessation program focuses on pregnant women. Healthcare Demand & Disease Management, 3(11), 169-173.

Bailey, J. W., Loeb, B. K. et Waage, G. (1983). A randomised controlled trial of smoking intervention during pergnancy. Proceedings of the American Public Health Association 111th Annual Meeting, 58.

Baric, L., MacAurthur, C. et Sherwood, M. (1976). L’éducation pour la santé et le problème de l’usage du tabac pendant la grossesse : résultats d’une étude. Revue internationale d’éducation pour la santé, 19(2 Suppl), 78-79.

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Bauman, K. E., Koch, G. G., Dent, C. W. et Bryan, E. S. (1983). The influence of observing carbon monoxide level on cigarette smoking by public prenatal patients. American Journal of Public Health, 73, 1089-1091.

Belizan, J. M., Villar, J., Victora, C., Farnot, U., Langer, A. et Barros, F. (1995). Impact of health education during pregnancy on behavior and utilization of health resources. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 173, 894-899.

Browne, A., Shultis, J. et Thio-Watts, M. (1999). Solution-focused approaches to tobacco reduction with disadvantaged prenatal clients. Journal of Community Health Nursing., 16(3), 165-177.

Buchanan, L. (2002). Implementing a smoking program for pregnant women based on current clinical practice guidelines. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 14(6), 243-250.

Bullock, L. F., Hornblow, A. R., Duff, G. B. et Wells, J. (1995). Telephone support for pregnant women: outcome in late pregnancy. New Zealand Medical Journal, 108, 476-478.

Bulterys, M., Morgenstern, H., Welty, T. et Kraus, J. (1990). The expected impact of a smoking cessation program for pregnant women on infant mortality among Native Americans. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 6(5), 267-273.

Burling, T. A., Bigelow, G. E., Robinson, J. C. et Mead, A. M. (1991). Smoking during pregnancy: reduction via objective assessment and directive advice. Behavior Therapy, 22, 31-40.

Campion, P. et Owen, L. (1994). Evaluation of a mass media campaign on smoking and pregnancy. Addiction, 89(10), 1245-1255.

Cinciripini, P., McClure, J., Wetter, D., Perry, J., Blalock, J., Cinciripini, L., Friedman, K. et Skaar, K. (2000). An evaluation of videotaped vignettes for smoking cessation and relapse prevention during pregnancy: the very important pregnant smokers (VIPS) program. Tobacco Control., 9(Suppl 3), lll61-63.

Danaher, B., Shisslak, C., Thompson, C. et Ford, J. (1978). A smoking cessation program for pregnant women: an exploratory study. American Journal of Public Health, 68(9), 896-898.

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de Weerd, S., Thomas, C. M. G., Cikot, R. J. L. M. et Steegers, E. A. P. (2001). Maternal smoking cessation intervention: Targeting women and their partners before pregnancy. American Journal of Public Health, 91(11), 1733-1734.

Donatelle, R. J., Prows, S. L., Champeau, D. et Hudson, D. (2000). Randomised contolled trial using social support and financial incentives for high risk pregnant smokers: Significant Other Supporter (SOS) program. Tobacco Control., 9(Suppl 3), iii67-iii69.

Donovan, J. W. (1977). Randomised controlled trial of anti-smoking advice in pregnancy. British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine, 31, 6-12.

Donovan, J. W. (1996). Randomised controlled trial of anti-smoking advice in pregnancy. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 50(3), 232-236.

Donovan, J. W., Burgess, P. L., Hossack, C. M. et Tudkin, G. D. (1975). Routine advice against smoking in pregnancy. Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 25, 264-268.

Dunkley, J. (1997). Training midwives to help pregnant women stop smoking. Nursing Times(93).

Dunphy, P. M. (2000). Using an empowerment and education intervention to prevent smoking relapse in the early postpartum period. Unpublished Dissertation, University of Pennsylvannia.

Ershoff, D., Aaronson, N., Danaher, B. et Wasserman, F. (1983). Behavioral, health, and cost outcomes of an HMO-based prenatal health education program. Public Health Reports, 98(6), 536-547.

Ershoff, D., Mullen, P. et Quinn, V. (1989). A randomized trial of a serialized self-help smoking cessation program for pregnant women in an HMO. American Journal of Public Health, 79(2), 182-187.

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Ershoff, D., Quinn, V. et Mullen, P. (1995). Relapse prevention among women who stop smoking early in pregnancy: a randomized clinical trial of a self-help intervention. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 11(3), 178-184.

Ershoff, D., Quinn, V., Mullen, P. et Lairson, D. (1990). Pregnancy and medical cost outcomes of a self-help prenatal smoking cessation program in an HMO. Public Health Reports, 105(4), 340-347.

Ershoff, D. H., Quinn, V. P., Boyd, N. R., Stern, J., Gregory, M. et Wirtschafter, D. (1999). The Kaiser Permanente prenatal smoking cessation trial: When more isn’t better, what is enough? American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 17(3), 161-168.

Evans, W. et Ringel, J. (1999). Can higher cigarette taxes improve birth outcomes? Journal of Public Economics, 72(1999), 135-154.

Ford, R., Cowan, S., Schluter, P., Richardson, A. et Wells, J. (2001). SmokeChange for changing smoking in pregnancy. New Zealand Medical Journal, 114(1128), 107-110.

Gebauer, C., Kwo, C., Haynes, E. et Wewers, M. (1998). A nurse-managed smoking cessation intervention during pregnancy. JOGNN – Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 27(1), 47-53.

Gielen, A. C., Windsor, R., Faden, R. R., O’ Campo, P., Repke, J. et Davis, -. M. (1997). Evaluation of a smoking cessation intervention for pregnant women in an urban prenatal clinic. Health-Education-Research., 12(2), 247-254.

Gillies, P. A., Power, F. L., Turner, I. D. et Madely, R. (1990). Successful antismoking interventions in pregnancy – behaviour change, “clinical indicators” or both? Paper presented at the Tobacco and Health 1990: The global war: Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Tobacco and Health., Perth.

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Glasgow, R. E., Whitlock, E. P., Eakin, E. G. et Lichtenstein, E. (2000). A brief smoking cessation intervention for women in low-income planned parenthood clinics. American Journal of Public Health, 90(5), 786-789.

Gofin, J. et Fox, C. (1990). [A smoking cessation program for pregnant women: minimal input intervention]. [Hebrew]. Harefuah, 118(9), 525-527.

Graham, A. V., Reeb, K. G., Kitson, G. C., Zyzanski, S. J. et Frank, S. H. (1992). A clinical trial to reduce the rate of low birth weight in an inner city black population. Family Medicine, 24, 439-446.

Haddow, J., Knight, G., Kloza, E., Palomaki, G. et Wald, N. (1991). Cotinine-assisted intervention in pregnancy to reduce smoking and low birthweight delivery. [see comments.]. British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 98(9), 859-865.

Haddow, J. E., Palomaki, G. E. et Sepulveda, D. (1995). Letter to the Editor: Smoking cessation counseling during routine public prenatal care. American Journal of Public Health, 85(10), 1451-1452.

Hajek, P., West, R., Lee, A., Foulds, J., Owen, L., Eiser, J. R. et Main, N. (2001). Randomized controlled trial of a midwife-delivered brief smoking cessation intervention in pregnancy. Addiction, 96(3), 485-494.

Hartmann, K. E., Thorp Jr, J. M., Pahel-Short, L. et Koch, M. A. (1996). A randomized controlled trial of smoking cessation intervention in pregnancy in an academic clinic. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 84(4), 621-626.

Haug, K., Fugelli, P., AAaro, L. E. et Foss, O. P. (1994). Is smoking intervention in general practice more successful among pregnant than non-pregnant women? Family Practice, 11, 111-116.

Hebel, J. R., Sexton, M. et Nowicki, P. (1985). The effect of antismoking intervention during pregnancy: An assessment of interactions with maternal characteristics. American Journal of Epidemiology, 122, 135-148.

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Hjalmarson, A. I. M., Svanberg, B. et Hahn, L. (1991). Stopping smoking in pregnancy: effect of a self-help manual in a controlled trial. British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 98, 260-264.

Hovell, M. F., Zakarian, J. M., Matt, G. E., Hofsetter, C. R., Bernert, J. T. et Pirkle, J. (2000). Decreasing environmental tobacco smoke exposure among low income children: preliminary findings. Tobacco Control., 9(Suppl 3), iii70-iii71.

Hughes, E., Lamont, D., Beecroft, M., Wilson, D., Brennan, B. et Rice, S. (2000). Randomized trial of a “stage-of-change” oriented smoking cessation intervention in infertile and pregnant women. Fertility & Sterility, 74(3), 498-503.

Jaakkola, N., Zahlsen, K. et Jaakkola, J. (2001). Effects of a population-based smoking cessation programme on smoking in pregnancy. European Journal of Public Health, 11(4), 446-449.

Johnson, J. L., Ratner, P. A., Bottorff, J. L., Hall, W. et Dahinten, S. (2000). Preventing smoking relapse in postpartum women. Nursing Research, 49(1), 44-52.

Kapur, B., Hackman, R., Selby, P., Klein, J. et Koren, G. (2001). Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy. Current Therapeutic Research, 62(4), 274-278.

Kendrick, J. S. (1995). Kendrick and Colleagues Respond (to Haddow Letter to the Editor). American Journal of Public Health, 85(10), 1452.

Kendrick, J. S., Zahniser, C., Miller, N., Salas, N., Stine, J., Gargiullo, P. M., Floyd, L., Spierto, F. W., Sexton, M., Metzger, R. W., Stockbauer, J. W., Hannon, H. et Dalmat, M. E. (1995). Integrating smoking cessation into routine public prenatal care: The smoking cessation in pregnancy project. American Journal of Public Health, 85(2), 217.

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Ker, M., Leischow, S., Markowitz, I. et Merikle, E. (1996). Involuntary smoking cessation: a treatment option in chemical dependency programs for women and children. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 28(1), 47-60.

King, J. et Eiser, J. R. (1981). A strategy for pregnant smokers. Health Education Journal, 40, 66-68.

Klerman, L. V. et Rooks, J. P. (1999). A simple, effective method that midwives can use to help pregnant women stop smoking. Journal of Nurse Midwifery, 44, 118-123.

Lando, H. A., Valanis, B. G., Lichtenstein, E., Curry, S. J., McBride, C. M., Pirie, P. L. et Grothaus, L. C. (2001). Promoting smoking abstinence in pregnant and postpartum patients: A comparison of 2 approaches. American Journal of Managed Care, 7(7), 685-693.

Langford, E. R., Thompson, E. G. et Tripp, S. C. (1983). Smoking and health education during pregnancy: evaluation of a program for women in prenatal classes. Revue canadienne de santé publique, 74, 285-289.

LeFevre, M. L., Ewigman, B. et Evans, J. K. (1995). Is smoking an indication for prenatal ultrasonography? RADIUS Study Group. Archives of Family Medicine, 4, 120-123.

Lilley, J. et Forster, D. P. (1986). A randomised controlled trial of individual counselling of smokers in pregnancy. Public Health, 100, 309-315.

Lillington, L., Royce, J., Novak, D., Ruvalcaba, M. et Chlebowski, R. (1995). Evaluation of a smoking cessation program for pregnant minority women. Cancer Practice, 3(3), 157-163.

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Loeb, B. K., Waage, G. et Bailey, J. W. (1983). Smoking intervention in pregnancy. In W. G. Forbes & R. C. Frecker & D. Nostbakken (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Smoking and Health, Winnipeg, Canada. Ottawa : Conseil canadien pour le contrôle du tabac.

Lowe, J. B., Windsor, R., Balanda, K. et Woodby, L. (1997). Smoking relapse prevention methods for pregnant women: a formative evaluation. American Journal of Health Promotion, 11, 244-246.

MacArthur, C., Knox, E. G. et Newton, J. R. (1987). Effects of anti-smoking health education on infant size at birth: a randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 94, 295-300.

Manfredi, C., Crittenden, K. S., Cho, Y. I., Engler, J. et Warnecke, R. (2000a). The effect of a structured smoking cessation program, independent of exposure to existing interventions. American Journal of Public Health, 90(5), 751-756.

Manfredi, C., Crittenden, K. S., Cho, Y. I., Engler, J. et Warnecke, R. (2000b). Minimal smoking cessation interventions in prenatal, family planning, and well-child public health clinics. American Journal of Public Health, 90(3), 423-427.

Mayer, J., Hawkins, B. et Todd, R. (1990). A randomized evaluation of smoking cessation interventions for pregnant women at a WIC clinic. American Journal of Public Health, 80(1), 76-78.

McBride, Colleen, M., Curry, S. J., Lando, H. A., Pirie, P. L., Grothaus, L. C. et Nelson, J. C. (1999). Prevention of relapse in women who quit smoking during pregnancy. American Journal of Public Health, 89(5), 706-711.

McNeil, D. et Welk, K. (1999). Perinatal smoking…Helping women change. British Columbia, Canada: Final Report Submitted to the Upper Island Central Coast Community Health Services Society.

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Messimer, S. P., Henry, R. C. et Hickner, J. M. (1989). A comparison of two anti-smoking interventions among pregnant women in eleven primary care practices. Journal of Family Practice, 28, 283-288.

Moore, L., Campbell, R., Whelan, A., Mills, N., Lupton, P., Misselbrook, E. et Frohlich, J. (2002). Self help smoking cessation in pregnancy: Cluster randomised controlled trial. British Medical Journal, 325, 1383-1389.

Mullen, P. D., Quinn, V. P. et Ershoff, D. H. (1990). Maintenence of non-smoking postpartum by women who stopped smoking suring pregnancy. American Journal of Public Health, 80, 992-994.

Neil-Urban, S., LaSala, K. et Todd, S. (2002). Community collaboration: using nursing students in a smoking cessation program for pregnant women. Journal of Nursing Education, 41(2), 76-79.

Nowicki, P., Gintzig, L., Hebel, J. R., Lathem, R., Miller, V. et Sexton, M. (1984). Effective smoking intervention during pregnancy. Birth, 11, 217-224.

O’Connor, A., Davies, B., Dulberg, C., Buhler, P., Nadon, C., McBride, B. et Benzie, R. (1992). Effectiveness of a pregnancy smoking cessation program. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 21(5), 385-392.

Olds, D. L., Henderson, C. R. et Tatelbaum, R. (1994). Prevention of intellectual impairment in children of women who smoke cigarettes during pregnancy. Pediatrics, 93, 228-233.

Olds, D. L., Henderson, C. R., Tatelbaum, R. et Chamberlin, R. (1986). Improving the delivery of prenatal care and outcome of pregnancy: a randomised trial of nurse home visitation. Pediatrics, 77, 16-28.

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Panjari, M., Bell, R., Bishop, S., Astbury, J., Rice, G. et Doery, J. (1999). A randomized controlled trial of a smoking cessation intervention during pregnancy. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 39(3), 312-317.

Petersen, L., Handel, J., Kotch, J., Podedworny, T. et Rosen, A. (1992). Smoking reduction during pregnancy by a program of self-help and clinical support. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 79(6), 924-930.

Pletsch, P. K. (1995). Pregnant Hispanics: Smoke free madres, a smoking cessation intervention.: Final report submitted to the American Lung Association of Wisconsin.

Pletsch, P. K. (1999). Smoke Free Families: A smoking cessation program for pregnant African-American women: Final report submitted to the American Lung Association of Wisconsin.

Pletsch, P. K. et Morgan, S. (2002). Reduction of primary and secondary smoke exposure for low-income black pregnant women. Nursing Clinics of North America, 37(2), 315.

Power, F. L., Gillies, P. A., Madely, R. et Abbott, M. (1989). Research in an antenatal clinic – the experiences of the Nottingham Mothers’ Stop Smoking Project. Midwifery, 5, 106112.

Price, J., Krol, R., Desmond, S., Losh, D., Roberts, S. et Snyder, F. (1991). Comparison of three antismoking interventions among pregnant women in an urban setting: a randomized trial. Psychological Reports, 68(2), 595-604.

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Ratner, P., Johnson, J. L., Bottorff, J. L., Dahinten, S. et Hall, W. (2000). Twelvemonth follow-up of a smoking relapse prevention intervention for postpartum women. Addictive Behaviors, 25(1), 81-92.

Ratner, P. A., Johnson, J. L. et Bottorf, J. L. (1999). Smoking relapse and early weaning among postpartum women: is there an association? Birth, 26, 76-82.

Ringel, J. et Evans, W. (2001). Cigarette taxes and smoking during pregnancy. American Journal of Public Health, 91(11), 1851-1856.

Ruggiero, L., Redding, C., Rossi, J. et Prochaska, J. (1997). A stage-matched smokingcessation program for pregnant smokers. American Journal of Health Promotion, 12(1), 31-33.

Rush, D., Butler, N. R., Eiser, J. R., King, J. et Orme, J. (1992). A trial of health education aimed to reduce cigarette smoking. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 6, 285-297.

Schmeiser-Rieder, A., Schoberberger, R., Gredler, B. et Kunze, M. (1994). [Smoking intervention program]. [German]. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 144(7), 134-137.

Schroeder, D., Ogburn, P., Hurt, R., Croghan, I., Ramin, K., Offord, K. et Moyer, T.-. (2002). Nicotine patch use in pregnant smokers: smoking abstinence and delivery outcomes. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 11, 100-107.

Scott, W. J. et McIlvain, H. (2000). Interactive software: an educational/behavioural approach to smoking cessation for pregnant women and their families. Tobacco Control., 9(Suppl III), iii56-iii57.

Secker- Walker, R. H., Mead, A. M., Goodwin, G., Lepage, S., Skelly, J. M., Flynn, B. S. et et al. (1995). Smoking relapse prevention counseling during prenatal and early postnatal care. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 11, 86-93.

Secker-Walker, R. H., Mead, P. B., Worden, J. K., Crammond, J. E., Lepage, S., Flynn, B. S. et et al. (1992). Training obstetric and family practice residents to give smoking cessation advice during prenatal care. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 166, 1356-1363.

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Secker-Walker, R., Solomon, L., Flynn, B., Skelly, J., Lepage, S., Goodwin, G. et Mead, P. (1994). Individualized smoking cessation counseling during prenatal and early postnatal care. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 171(5), 1347-1355.

Secker-Walker, R. H., Solomon, L. J., Flynn, B. S., Skelly, J. M. et Mead, P. B. (1998a). Smoking relapse prevention during pregnancy: A trial of coordinated advice from physicians and individual counseling. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 15(1), 25-31.

Secker-Walker, R. H., Solomon, L. J., Flynn, B. S., Skelly, J. M. et Mead, P. B. (1998b). Reducing smoking during pregnancy and postpartum: Physician’s advice supported by individual counseling. Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory, 27(3), 422-430.

Secker-Walker, R. H., Solomon, L. J., Geller, B. M., Flynn, B. S., Worden, J. K., Skelly, J. M. et Mead, P. B. (1997). Modeling smoking cessation: Exploring the use of a videotape to help pregnant women quit smoking. Women and Health, 25(1), 23-35.

Severson, H. H., Andrews, J. A., Lichtenstein, E., Wall, M. et Akers, L. (1997). Reducing Maternal Smoking and Relapse: Long-Term Evaluation of a Pediatric Intervention. Preventive Medicine, 26(1), 25-28.

Sexton, M. et Hebel, J. R. (1984). A clinical trial of change in maternal smoking and its effect on birth weight. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 251, 911.

Shakespeare, R. (1990). The development and evaluation of a smoking cessation counselling training programme for midwives. Paper presented at the Tobacco and Health 1990: The global war: Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Tobacco & Health, Perth.

Solomon, L., Secker-Walker, R., Skelly, J. et Flynn, B. (1996). Stages of change in smoking during pregnancy in low-income women. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 19(4), 333-344.

Solomon, L. J., Secker-Walker, R. H., Flynn, B. S., Skelly, J. M. et Capeless, E. L. (2000). Proactive telephone support to help pregnant women stop smoking. Tobacco Control., 9(Suppl 3), iii72-iii74.

Stotts, A. L., DiClemente, C. C. et Dolan-Mullen, P. (2002). One-to-one – A motivational intervention for resistant pregnant smokers. Addictive Behaviors, 27(2), 275-292.

Strecher, V. J., Bishop, K. R., Bernhardt, J., Thorp, J., Cheuvront, B. et Potts, P. (2000). Quit for keeps: tailored smoking cessation guides for pregnancy and beyond. Tobacco Control., 9(Suppl 3), iii78-iii79.

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Tappin, D. M., Lumsden, M.-A., McIntyre, D., Mckay, C., Gilmour, W. H., Webber, R., Cowan, S., Crawford, F. et Currie, F. (2000). A pilot study to establish a randomized trial methodology to test the efficacy of a behavioural intervention. Health-Education-Research., 15(4), 491-502.

Valanis, B., Lichtenstein, E., Mullooly, J. P., Labuhn, K., Brody, K., Severson, H. H. et Stevens, N. (2001). Maternal smoking cessation and relapse prevention during health care visits. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 20(1), 1-8.

Valbø, A. et Eide, T. (1996). Smoking cessation in pregnancy: the effect of hypnosis in a randomized study. Addictive Behaviors, 21(1), 29-35.

Valbo, A. et Nylander, G. (1994). Smoking cessation in pregnancy. Intervention among heavy smokers. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 73(3), 215-219.

Valbo, A. et Schioldborg, P. (1991). Smoking cessation in pregnancy. Mode of intervention and effect. [see comments.]. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 70(4-5), 309-313.

Valbo, A. et Schioldborg, P. (1994). Smoking cessation in pregnancy: The effect of self help manuals. Journal of Maternal-Fetal Investigation, 4, 167-170.

Van’t Hof, S. M., Wall, M. A., Dowler, D. W. et Stark, M. J. (2000). Randomised controlled trial of a postpartum relapse prevention intervention. Tobacco Control, 9(Suppl 3), iii64-iii66.

Victora, C., Langer, A., Barros, F., Belizan, J. M., Farnot, U., Villar, J. et Latin American Network for Perinatal and Reproductive Research. (1994). The Latin American Multicenter Trial on psychosocial support during pregnancy: methodology and baseline comparability. Controlled Clinical Trials, 15, 379-394.

Villar, J., Farnot, U., Barros, F., Victora, C., Langer, A. et Belizan, J. M. (1992). A randomized trial of psychosocial support during high-risk pregnancies. New England Journal of Medicine, 327, 1266-1271.

Wakefield, M. et Jones, W. (1998). Effects of a smoking cessation program for pregnant women and their partners attending a public hospital antenatal clinic. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 22(3), 313-320.

Wall, M. A. et Severson, H. H. (1995). Pediatric office-based smoking intervention: Impact on maternal smoking and relapse. Pediatrics, 96(4), 622-629.

Waller, C., Zollinger, T., Saywell, R. J. et Kubisty, K. (1996). The Indiana Prenatal Substance Use Prevention Program: its impact on smoking cessation among high-risk pregnant women. Indiana Medicine, 89(2), 184-187.

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Walsh, R. A., Redman, S., Brinsmead, M. W., Byrne, J. M. et Melmeth, -. A. (1997). A smoking cessation program at a public antenatal clinic. American Journal of Public Health, 87(7), 1201-1204.

Windsor, R., Cutter, G., Morris, J. et et al., e. (1985). The effectiveness of smoking cessation methods for smokers in public health maternity clinics: A randomized trial. American Journal of Public Health, 75, 1389.

Windsor, R., Lowe, J., Artz, L. et Contreras, L. (1990). Smoking cessation and pregnancy intervention trial: preliminary mid-trial results. Progress in Clinical & Biological Research, 339, 107-117.

Windsor, R. A., Lowe, J. B., Perkins, L. L., Smith-Yoder, D., Artz, L., Crawford, M., Amburgy, K. et Boyd Jr, N. R. (1993). Health education for pregnant smokers: Its behavioral impact and cost benefit. American Journal of Public Health, 83(2), 201-206.

Windsor, R. A., Woodby, L. L., Miller, T. M., Hardin, J. M., Crawford, M. A. et DiClemente, C. C. (2000). Effectiveness of Agency for Health Care Policy and Research clinical practice guideline and patient education methods for pregnant smokers in medicaid maternity care. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology., 182(1 Pt. 1), 68-75.

Wisborg, K., Henriksen, T. et Secher, N. (1998). A prospective intervention study of stopping smoking in pregnancy in a routine antenatal care setting. British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 105(11), 1171-1176.

Wisborg, K., Henriksen, T. B., Jespersen, L. B. et Secher, N. J. (2000). Nicotine patches for pregnant smokers: a randomized controlled study. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 96(6), 967-971.

Wright, L. N., Pahel-Short, L., Hartmann, K., Kuller, J. A. et Thorp Jr., J. M. (1996). Statewide assessment of a behavioral intervention to reduce cigarette smoking by pregnant women. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 175(2), 283-287, discussion 287-288.

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Annexe E : Liste de programmes de renoncement au tabac destinés aux femmes et aux filles pendant la grossesse et la période postnatale

Tableau 8e.1 Programmes destinés aux femmes et aux filles pendant la grossesse et la période postnatale


Clientèle cible (Femmes enceintes...)

Pays d’origine

Établissement à contacter

A Pregnant Women’s Guide to Quit Smoking

Population générale


University of Alabama at Birmingham (Dr. Richard Windsor)

Question d’écoute

Dispensateurs de soins périnatals


Association canadienne de santé publique

Baby’s Coming, Baby’s Home

Population générale


NFLD Lung Association

Born Free

Population générale


PEI Lung Association

Freedom from Smoking for You and Your Baby

Population générale


N’importe quelle association pulmonaire provinciale

Great Start

Population générale



Holding Our Own

Femmes autochtones; population générale


Walpole Island Health Unit

Kick Butt for 2

Adolescentes, jeunes femmes


St. Mary’s Home, Ottawa (Ontario)

New Start

Population générale


Société canadienne du cancer


Population générale


CAMH; Le lien suivant s'ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre

Smoke Free Journey

Femmes autochtones; population générale


Northern Family Health Society, Prince George (C.-B.)

Start Quit, Stay Quit

Population générale


Windsor-Essex Health Unit (Ontario)

Stopping When You’re Ready

Population générale


Windsor-Essex County Health Unit

Haut de la page

Tableau 8e.2 Programmes destinés aux femmes et aux filles (pourraient sans doute être adaptés)


Clientèle cible

Pays d’origine

Établissement à contacter

Sacred Plant, Sacred Ways

Hommes et femmes autochtones


National Association of Friendship Centres

Kichi Chistemaw Pimatisiwin

Femmes autochtones


Native Women’s Transition Centre, Winnepeg

Well Being for Women: A LifeStyle Change Program

Femmes à faible revenu



How to Make $1000 By Doing Nothing



University of Toronto Centre for Health Promotion

Arrêter de fumer : un programme à l’intention des femmes



Santé Canada

Protecting Our Families

Familles autochtones


Organisation nationale des représentants indiens et inu its en santé communautaire

Catching Our Breath



Women’s Health Clinic, Manitoba

Pour en finir avec le tabagisme: Guide de renoncement au tabac à l'intention des femmes autochtones du Canada

Femmes autochtones


Association des femmes autochtones du Canada

Annexe F : Liste de termes de recherche et description du processus de notation

Tableau 8f.1 Liste des bases de données consultées et des termes-clés utilisés

Base de données


Silver Platter: information psychologique, toutes les années, résumés, reg, clinique, ouvrages (y compris les publications épuisées)

Smok* et cessation et pregnan*

Medline, toutes les années

(tobacco ou smok) et mother et (cessation ou quit)

Medline, toutes les années

pregnancy et tobacco et (cessation ou quit)

Medline, toutes les années

Pregnancy/ et smoking cessation/ et intervention

Web of Science, toutes les années

Pregnan* et smok* et cessation et (programme ou intervention)


Teen et pregnant et smoking


Pregnant et relapse et smoking


Pregnancy et buproprion


Pregnant et nicotine replacement


Postpartum et relapse et smoking


Pharmacotherapy et pregnant et smoking

*Nous avons également fait des recherches par auteur et d’après les interventions mentionnées dans divers articles.

Description du processus de notation

Les interventions ont été notées séparément par deux évaluateurs. En cas de désaccord, les évaluateurs ont discuté des points de divergence jusqu’à ce qu’ils parviennent à une entente. Les recommandations préliminaires ont été formulées à partir de ces conclusions. L’équipe a discuté de manière assez détaillée des interventions dans le contexte des ouvrages théoriques et a dégagé les divers éléments, démarches et sous-populations pertinents.

Mise à jour : 2004-10-01 Haut de la page