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Land Claims and the Department of Environment

Environment Yukon has many responsibilities and implementation obligations arising from Yukon First Nation Final and Self-Government Agreements, and transboundary land claim agreements. These include activities ranging from Special Management Area planning to fish and wildlife management, boards and councils administration, policy and legislative development, and enforcement and compliance.

The following Yukon First Nation Final and Self-Government Agreements were in effect as of March 2006:

  • Champagne and Aishihik First Nations
  • Kluane First Nation
  • Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation
  • First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun
  • Teslin Tlingit Council
  • Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation
  • Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in
  • Selkirk First Nation
  • Ta'an Kwäch'än Council
  • Kwanlin Dun First Nation
  • Carcross-Tagish First Nation
  • Text of these agreements is available on the Council for Yukon First Nations site.

    The following Transboundary Agreements were in effect as of April 2002:

    Inuvialuit Final Agreement
    Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement

    Open a map of the Traditional Territories (PDF 1.5 MB) of Yukon First Nations and Settlement Areas of Inuvialuit and Tetlit Gwich'in. Also find contact information for each First Nation.

    Land Claims contacts

    For further information contact:
    Claims Implementation & Aboriginal Affairs
    Department of Environment
    Phone: (867) 667-3092
    Toll free (in Yukon): (1-800) 661-0408, local 3092
    Fax: (867) 393-6213

    For information on land claims negotiations and land selection contact:
    Land Claims & Implementation
    Executive Council Office
    Government of Yukon
    Phone (867) 667-8127
    Toll free (in Yukon): (1-800) 661-0408, local 8127
    Fax: (867) 667-3599

    Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 10-03-2006