Nova Scotia Department of Health

Office of the
Chief Medical Officer of Health
Health Protection Act
click here for information on Lyme Disease
click here for information on rabies
click here for information on West Nile Virus
click here for information on West Nile Virus
Nova Scotia Provincial Blood Coordinating Program

The Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health is responsible for the Department of Health's legislated responsibility to protect and promote the public's health in the following areas:
  1. Communicable disease control
  2. Environmental health
  3. Emergency preparedness and response.

In addition staff in the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health, in collaboration with academic expertise at Dalhousie University, function as an expert resource in community health science and an epidemiological resource for the department, the health districts, and other relevant government and community groups.



Contact Information

Public Health Publications

The Renewal Of Public Health in Nova Scotia