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Cool Sites
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Are you interested in getting involved in international development? Are you looking for suggestions of where to start? This section offers a list of links to various sites that provide information on a diversity of development issues. Get connected. Get informed. Get involved. Move Your World!

CIDA, in partnership with Canadian Geographic, has created A Developing World, a map that presents a colourful and informative look at the state of the planet and its 6.3 billion people based on the United Nations Human Development Index. It also provides a glimpse of some of the challenges in developing countries and the progress made toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

Child Soldiers Project is a tele-collaborative initiative between IEARN Canada and IEARN Sierra Leone. The project highlights the issue of child soldiers by youth in Sierra Leone. Check out the website and see the images. Read the writings. Hear the voices. [Please note: This site contains material that might be disturbing to some audiences.]

The United Nations Cyberschoolbus was created in 1996 as the online education component of the Global Teaching and Learning Project, whose mission is to promote education about international issues and the United Nations.

Elements is an online environmental magazine published by the New Brunswick Environmental Network that focuses on environmental issues in Canada and developing countries. There's something here for every age group, including a great kid's page.

Équiterre is an organization dedicated to promoting ecological and socially just choices through action, education, and research. One of its projects is the promotion of fair trade practices. Using the coffee trade as an example, this site explains how fair trade practices can be used to counter human and environmental exploitation in Southern countries.

Don’t just sit there! is UNICEF Canada's awareness and fundraising program specially designed for junior high and high school students across Canada. Each year focuses on a different theme. By participating in the Don’t just sit there! campaign, you have an opportunity to save and improve the lives of the world's least fortunate children.

Global Citizens for Change is about making the connection between learning about global issues and doing something about them. Find out more about the face of international development in the 21st century. Take the virtual tour. Read personal stories from past volunteers.

Human Security Youth Zone is your information station on human security challenges. You can research topics for school, check out photos, try a quiz, and more. For teachers, there are resources to help bring the topic of human security into the classroom.

The Infoyouth network was set up to provide an overview of youth policies and programmes throughout the world. Designed as a network of networks, it is an effective tool to access, select, and disseminate relevant information at international, national, and local levels.

The In-Terre-Actif network is an educational tool permitting youth to become informed about current world issues, and to play a part in international solidarity.

In Canada, Just Youth–Development and Peace works to educate Canadians about the causes of poverty and injustice that affect people in developing countries. Development and Peace pushes for alternatives to stop unjust situations that affect us all.

Mines Action Canada Youth is a place everyone can visit to help end the landmine crisis and check it off the global 'to-do' list! Many students and other young people across the globe are already involved in the campaign against landmines. Go to the website and get more information on the recently launched international Youth Leadership, Education and Action Program (LEAP)!

Oxfam International Youth Parliament is a network of young leaders in 92 countries working for positive and lasting change in their communities.

POP! Magazine helps Canadian kids be aware of all the things that are happening on our planet—from science and the environment to health and safety. POP!'s mission is to inspire kids to speak out and be heard, and to take action on the issues that concern them.

The 411 Initiative for Change is working to create a world in which all global citizens, and specifically young people, have a say and a role to play in their community and their country, and are active participants in all areas and levels of society.

TUNZA for Youth—United Nations Environment Programme Young people bring a fresh outlook to environmental activism. TUNZA is about empowering you to act. It draws upon the experiences of other young environmentalists to find solutions and inspire action. Check out the TUNZA site and interact with the speaker’s corner, share your story, and learn more about the TUNZA Youth Council.

United Nations Environment Program provides leadership and encourages partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.

Voices of Youth is a youth community website created by UNICEF. It is a platform where young people can explore, discuss, and partner on issues related to human rights and social change by using tools like e-discussion boards, guidelines, and news.

The World Bank helps governments in developing countries to reduce poverty by providing them with the money and technical expertise that they need for a wide range of projects, such as education, health, infrastructure, communications, and government reforms, as well as for many other purposes. Visit the Youthink section of the World Bank site to learn the facts, share your stories and connect with other youth.

World Vision 30 Hour Famine. Every day, thousands of children die because they are hungry or cannot afford to see a doctor. Canadian teens can make a difference by signing up for the 30 Hour Famine. One person can make a difference. Refuse to do nothing!

YES Canada Country Network aims to build links and understanding between Canadian and international youth. The network also aims to create a space where global youth connect to achieve common goals. Surf the site to find out more about the network and global issues. Discover ways to get involved today!

YOUCAN is an organization focused on youth-led initiatives in non-violent conflict resolution and violence prevention, both nationally and internationally.

Youth and Foreign Policy: Why should foreign policy matter to you? Check out ten reasons why youth involvement matters in foreign policy. Expand your mind. Broaden your horizons. Make a difference today.

YouthLinks is the high school student’s connection for global issues and Canadian history. Participate in online discussions with Canadian and international students, check out the hot issues and student submissions, get information on the YouthLinks summit and much more!

Other Related Sites

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  Last Updated: 2006-08-11 Top of Page Important Notices