Canadian Operational Support Command (CANOSCOM)


Major-General Daniel Benjamin, OMM, CD
Commander CANOSCOM

Major-General Daniel Benjamin, OMM, CDMajor-General Daniel Benjamin enrolled in the Canadian Forces in 1976. He graduated from the Royal Military College in Kingston in 1981 with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering and then started his career as a military engineer.

MGen Benjamin served in a variety of appointments both in garrison and on operations. He commanded at every level and career highlights include command of a special UN demining operation in Cyprus in 1983, command of the 5th Combat Engineer Regiment during the SAGUENAY flood in 1996, command of a Composite Engineer Group in Montreal during the Ice Storm in 1998, and command of the first Canadian contingent in the Central African Republic, also in 1998. He commanded the 5th Area Support Group in Land Force Quebec Area from 2001 to 2003 and as such, was responsible for the Bases at Valcartier, Montreal and St-Jean. He now commanding the new Canadian Operational Support Command.

In the field of Construction Engineering, MGen Benjamin served as Production & Requirements Officer at CFB Shilo, Manitoba, Base Construction Engineering Officer at CFB Valcartier and then Chief of Infrastructure for the Land Force Quebec Area. Other key positions he has held include: strategic analyst for the senior leadership in NDHQ Ottawa, Senior Staff Officer Engineers for the Land Force Command, Chief of Staff for the Land Force Quebec Area and Director General of the Land Staff in Ottawa.

MGen Benjamin improved his education by returning to RMC in 1986 to complete a master's degree in geotechnics and teach structural design to undergraduate students. Graduate of the Land Force Command and Staff course in Kingston and the US Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, he has also completed the Advanced Military Studies Course and the National Security Study Course at the Canadian Forces College in Toronto, and more recently, the Combined Forces Land Component Commander Course at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania.