Canadian Operational Support Command (CANOSCOM)


Chief Warrant Officer Stephane S. Richard, MMM, CD
Canadian Operational Support Command Chief Warrant Officer

Chief Warrant Officer Stephane S. Richard, MMM, CDChief Warrant Officer Richard was born in St.Pamphile, Quebec.

He enrolled in the Canadian Forces on 12 July 1977 as a vehicle technician in the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Branch. He received his basic training at CFB St.Jean in Quebec and his language and driver training at CFB Base Borden in Ontario.

In September 1978, he was posted to 5 Service Battalion. After his first United Nations tour to Golan, he was promoted Corporal in 1980. In 1984, upon being promoted Master Corporal, he was employed as a Vehicle Technician Level 4 instructor. He remained with 5 Battalion until 1985 when he was posted to the Canadian Forces Base Europe in Lahr, West Germany with 1 Royal Canadian Horse Artillery where he worked on the M-109 self-propelled Howitzers.

He was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in July 1986 and posted to Canadian Forces Base Europe in Baden Soëllingen, West Germany with the Base Maintenance where he was employed with the Base Defence Force fighting terrorists.

On his return to Canada in July 1989, he was posted to Canadian Forces Base Petawawa with the Airborne Regiment and went to Somalia from December 1992 to June 1993 as Warrant Officer of the Maintenance Platoon of Service Commando.

In July 1993, he was posted to 2 Service Battalion, Petawawa in charge of training for the Maintenance Company members. He was also in charge of the production of the vehicle repair platoon with which he served a United Nations Mission in the Ex-Yugoslavia from August 1994 to March 1995 as the Welfare Officer for the Canadian Logistics Battalion (CANLOGBAT).

In July 1995, he was promoted to the rank of Master Warrant Officer and posted with 3 Light Infantry Battalion (3 RCR) as Engineer Technical Quarter Master Sergeant (ETQMS).

In June 1996, he was posted with the Canadian Forces School Electrical and Mechanical Engineering as Sergeant-Major of the Regimental Company in charge of discipline and where he also taught Sword Drill to the young Officers and Air Force members on their CWO course. In June 1999, he received the Military Merit Medal from the Governor General of Canada, the Honorable Roméo LeBlanc.

In June 2000, he was promoted to the rank of Chief Warrant Officer, and posted to Ottawa as Life Cycle Material Manager with Directorate Field Support and Common Equipment Program Management (DFSCEPM).

From July 2001 to July 2004 he served as Regimental Sergeant-Major (RSM) with 5 Service Battalion. He went to Bosnia-Hercegovina for the Roto 10 from March to October 2002 as Sergeant-Major for the NSE.

From July 2004 to March 2006, Chief Warrant Officer Richard served as the Chief Warrant Officer of 5 Area Support Group.

In March 2006, Chief Warrant Officer Richard became the Chief Warrant Officer of the Canadian Operational Support Command.

Chief Warrant Officer Richard is married and has three daughters.