Canadian Operational Support Command (CANOSCOM)

Support Functions

The Canadian Operational Support Command provides operational support to domestic and international missions by integrating the capabilities of several support functions into task-tailored support organizations. These support functions include:


Logistic staff coordinate a broad range of support functions including movement control, transport, postal services and the supply and delivery of equipment, ammunition, food and shelter.

Military Engineering

Engineers organize the provision of general engineer support services, including the coordination of organizations required to plan, design and construct infrastructure to sustain and protect forces, and to allow for their freedom of movement.

Land Equipment Maintenance Services

Maintenance staff coordinate the preparation for delivery, repair and maintenance of weapon systems, fighting vehicles, transport vehicles and general land equipment.

Communications and Information Systems

CIS staff provides support to operations by managing and servicing communications and information technology (IT) for voice, text and data systems. This includes digital radios, ground telecommunication systems, radar systems, portable satellite terminals, fibre optics, cryptographic equipment and computers.

Health Services

Health Services staff provide all basic medical and dental services to CF personnel in operational environments. Services include everything from basic doctor or dentist office functions to a hospital that has surgical and intensive care capabilities.

Military Police

Military Police provide support to deployed forces by conducting police, security, and specialist operational tasks. This includes law enforcement, criminal intelligence gathering, civilian police force training, personnel and materiel security, and detention operations.