Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM)

News and Information

Highly trained, high mobility special operations force.

By Maj Doug Allison

One of the CF’ newest units will soon begin training in Petawawa, Ontario. The Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR), scheduled to stand up February 1, 2006, will be an integral part of Canadian Special Operations Forces Command-a new formation within the CF.

The CSOR will be a highly trained, high mobility special operations force that is capable of independent operations, as well as supporting both special and conventional operations forces. At full strength of approximately 750 personnel, the battalion sized unit will be composed of three direct action companies and a special-forces company that will complement other capabilities in CANSOFCOM, including JTF 2. Personnel in the unit will possess a host of skills that enable them to operate in a variety of terrains and environments. Drawn from all parts of the CF, the unit will provide the Commander CANSOFCOM with a broad range of SOF capabilities to operate in Canada and abroad. Highly flexible and adaptable, unit members will be able to work in small groups for extended periods of time without requiring significant support.

Lieutenant-Colonel Jamie Hammond is the commander of the CSOR. It is his job to advise the CF leadership on every aspect involved in standing up the unit. LCol Hammond has a small team in place now to assist him, and plans an intensive multi-year recruiting drive to move the unit to a position where it will be capable of responding to the needs of the CF. For LCol Hammond, the success of the project will revolve around the larger team he puts in place.

“By the summer of 2006, I intend to have half of the unit HQ and service support in place, as well as the first company group trained to a basic level." said LCol Hammond. “This is ambitious, but we are going to take the right people, the right equipment, the right training and put it all together in the right operational structure to guarantee that commander CANSOFCOM has a broad range of sophisticated SOF capabilities available at high-readiness.”

At stand up, the majority of the unit will be based on a company from 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment. An additional group of personnel will be drawn from across the CF. For LCol Hammond, this is significant. “The CDS has directed that the CSOR be made up of personnel from all elements, Regular or Reserve. Consequently, if you are a soldier, sailor, or airman or woman, the CSOR will provide you a truly demanding and fulfilling posting for those who want to take on the challenge of special operations,” he said.

The RSM, CWO Jerry Scheidl, another key member of the leadership team, has been busy developing establishments, suggested training regimen, equipment holdings, and the myriad of other countless details necessary for the efficient operation of a unit.