Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM)

Careers / Recruiting

JTF 2 Recruiting Schedule

Are you interested in a career in the world of special operations? If so, there is some information here that could be of value to you.

There are not currently any direct entry programs into Joint Task Force 2 or the Canadian Special Operations Regiment. The personnel in these units have a minimum of two years in the Canadian Forces, and have demonstrated that they have the special attributes desired in people who fill these demanding roles. Therefore, if you think that service in these units is your preferred career path, you will have to enlist in the Canadian Forces and undergo the same training regimen as the majority of CF personnel. Once you meet the minimum requirements, which are reviewed and distributed annually, you will be able to apply for a position within one of the units.

Application For Service With Joint Task Force 2This link will open in a new browser window

For more information on enlisting in the Canadian Forces, please visit