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Departmental Overview
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Critical Infrastructure Protection
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Emergency Management
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Canadian Forces Recruiting
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Materiel Acquisition and Support
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Information Technology Security
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Images of military activities

Materiel Acquisition and Support

The Department of National Defence must make the decisions required to ensure that the Canadian Forces can continue to field a relevant and affordable multipurpose combat-capable force. The Materiel Acquisition and Support (MA&S) service enables the efficient and effective use of military equipment as a contribution towards maximizing Canada's defence capabilities. This service area supports the life-cycle management of the military equipment that is used within the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces (DND/CF). Sub-components of the MA&S service include:

  • Research and Development;
  • Materiel Acquisition;
  • Materiel Support;
  • Materiel Disposal; and
  • Technical Data Management.

A collage of images representing the activities of the Materiel Acquisition and Support Services.As new technology emerges or an operational deficiency is identified, research and development, engineering, and acquisition services are used to evaluate, define, develop and deliver new equipment. In-service support is the next step in the equipment life cycle, which includes preventative maintenance, repair, overhaul, and upgrades. Eventually the equipment is de-commissioned and disposed of according to legal rules and guidelines. Materiel Acquisition & Support has the potential to connect with thousands of businesses that provide materiel support services to the DND/CF. The use of on-line technology in support of service delivery is significantly enhancing the management of MA&S services.

The DND/CF have a close working relationship with Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC). This partnership is critical to achieving the timely procurement of goods and services from Canadian business and industry. Contracts for Materiel Acquisition and Support services are awarded by PWGSC through the competitive bidding process. Through the normal procurement process, business and industry are able to review potential opportunities on-line. More information on the bidding process can be obtained from the Government of Canada web site at


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Research and Development (R&D) Service

Research and Technologies - Innovation for Canada's Defence.Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) has for years been at the forefront of leading edge technologies, many of which have provided much needed solutions to problems being investigated in industry. In collaboration with private sector business groups, universities, other government departments and our allies, an array of co-operative R&D programs have been employed to maximize the benefits to the DND/CF, the Canadian public and Canadian business. Private sector businesses have been licensed to carry on the work of DRDC in some areas, such as blood substitutes, communications, sonar systems, fuel cell technology, and space and radar systems. DRDC works in collaboration with business so that defence technologies can be broadened to commercial applications. Over the years this has made Canada a leader in many modern technologies including those associated with communications and aerospace.

Defence Research and Development Canada was an early adopter of the Internet. DRDC is now looking for new and innovative ways to leverage its annual appropriations through collaborative efforts integrating expertise from DRDC's Defence Research Establishments with external knowledge to deliver maximum benefits and provide superior R&D. The Internet, used for co-ordinating R&D work between DRDC and universities, businesses and other defence R&D organizations, is a key enabler for undertaking collaborative R&D. For more information on Defence Research and Development Canada, visit their web site at


Materiel Acquisition Service

HMC/Submarine VICTORIA Canadian businesses have a critical role to play in the delivery of materiel to the Canadian Forces. They participate in the supply of everything from computers and radios to military clothing, weapons and ammunition, cars and trucks, armoured vehicles, aircraft, ships and submarines. The provision of quality, timely and efficient materiel is essential to maintaining a credible military capability. This service is representative of the collaboration that exists between Canadian companies, international industries and the Department to ensure that the right equipment is provided when needed. The Defence industry is well aware of the advantages of on-line technology. Implementing a true end-to-end supply arrangement will allow the DND/CF to leverage this advantage.

Coyote light armoured reconnaissance vehicle.The Department must continue to modernize Canada's military force structure by optimizing and strengthening the ability to sustain operations, increasing capital investment and proceeding with ongoing and announced procurement projects. The Department has moved forward with the purchase of new search and rescue helicopters, new submarines, new armoured personnel carriers, and high-tech Coyote reconnaissance vehicles. The Department has also commenced modernization programs for the CF-18 fighters and the Aurora long-range patrol aircraft fleets, and initiated the acquisition of 28 maritime helicopters.


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Materiel Support Service

Materiel engineering and support staff oversee the life-cycle management of military equipment -when, where and how it is maintained, repaired or upgraded over the equipment's useful life. Materiel Support services are carried out in varied locations world-wide including the business locations of the companies providing the service, at headquarters in the National Capital Region, at Canadian Forces Bases across Canada, and internationally wherever Canadian Forces members are deployed. The core maintenance activity of repair and overhaul of DND/CF assets is ideally suited to e-business solutions that will enhance after sales equipment service by providing integrated and easily accessible information to improve equipment maintainability and supportability.

A maintainer checks the rugged undercarriage of a CF-18.Canadian companies are given the opportunity to provide professional support to the DND/CF for the repair, overhaul and upgrade of equipment already in use. Large prime contractors typically engage sub-contractors on specific work, offering the opportunity for small business to participate in providing materiel support services to the Canadian Forces.

From an external client viewpoint, benefits that will occur as a result of implementing the enabling Materiel Acquisition and Support Information System (MASIS) include:


  • Improved history of equipment system maintenance usage rates/trend analysis;
  • Information sharing in support of Alternate Service Delivery (ASD) initiatives;
  • Plans for providing spares and maintenance schedules; and
  • Conducting business electronically.

Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC):

  • Improved contract management;
  • Access to standing offers; and
  • Conducting business electronically.


  • Improved, and more timely, operational plans.

Treasury Board:

  • Improved financial/performance data.

Auditor General:

  • Improved audit trails.


Materiel Disposal Service

The armoured vehicle general purpose (AVGP) - Cougar, is gradually being removed from service with the Regular Force.Once a piece of equipment is retired from service, businesses, non-profit organizations, museums, legions, veterans' associations and municipalities are invited to bid on surplus military equipment for continuing use or for display as military artefacts. Available surplus military equipment, including aircraft, ships and armoured vehicles together with the policies for disposal, can be found on the Materiel Disposal Internet web site at:


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Technical Data Management Service

Improved effectiveness of equipment is made possible through Technical Data Management by reducing the cycle time required to plan and implement technical changes. Technical data management involves the cataloguing, registration, reproduction, publication, distribution and security of engineering specifications and drawings. Some components of the Technical Data Management service are being done on-line by Canadian business on behalf of the Department. Utilizing the full functionality of an on-line environment will notably enhance the efficiency of this service by allowing electronic data exchange between business and the DND/CF. Future developments in this service area will see technical data exchange included as a component of electronic contracting. Benefits to both authorized businesses and DND/CF will include:

  • Approved access - ensuring the right people have access to the right data at the right time;
  • Immediate access to authorized users "from anywhere";
  • Protection of intellectual property rights;
  • Enhanced search capability using metadata (vs. (as an example) limited to search by drawing number); and
  • Sharing and re-use of technical information.


For more information contact the National Defence On-Line Program Manager