Communication Reserve


Nova Scotia

There are two units in the province of Nova Scotia. Please select from the list below:

725 (Glace Bay) Communication Squadron

725 (Glace Bay) Communication Squadron specializes in tactical and strategic communication, employing voice, electronic and telecommunication systems. Our mandate is to provide individual and collective support to Canadian Forces operations, both domestic and international. Many of our members have served in various UN and NATO peacekeeping missions around the world. This unit also provides communication support to the Army Reserve. Some units in the Communication Reserve also provide manning support to the Navy Transportable Tactical Command Centres.

Training is a year-round activity and soldiers are expected to attend one evening training a week and up to two weekend training activities per month. Evening training is conducted at 76 Sterling Road. Once fully trained, soldiers can apply for various full-time and part-time employment opportunities available throughout the year.

Further information can be obtained by contacting :

725 (Glace Bay) Communication Squadron
76 Sterling Road
Glace Bay, Nova Scotia Canada B1A 5T8
Phone: 902 842-2511
Fax: 902 842-2515


723 (Halifax) Communication Squadron

Crest723 (Halifax) Communication Squadron specializes in tactical and strategic communication, employing voice, electronic and telecommunication systems. Our mandate is to provide individual and collective support to Canadian Forces operations, both domestic and international. Many of our members have served in various UN and NATO peacekeeping missions around the world. This unit also provides communication support to the Army Reserve. Some units in the Communication Reserve also provide manning support to the Navy Transportable Tactical Command Centres.

Training is a year-round activity and soldiers are expected to attend Thursday evening and up to two weekend training activities per month. Evening training is conducted at the Halifax Armories located at 2261 North Park Street, near Cunard Street. Once fully trained, soldiers can apply for various full-time and part-time employment opportunities available throughout the year.

Further information can be obtained by contacting :

723 (Halifax) Communication Squadron
5674 Cunard Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada B3K 2X0
Phone: 902 427-6137
Fax: 902 427-6102
