Communication Reserve



Q. I would like to join the Communication Reserve. What are the basic requirements?

A. You must meet the following minimal conditions:

Q. What job skills can I learn in the Communication Reserve?

A. The Comm Res has four main occupations, Signals Operator, Lineman, Communication Research and Signals Officer. Each of these jobs involve information technology skills that are highly valued in both military and civilian life.

Q. Can I wear jewelry?

A. You can wear a plain signet, engagement and / or wedding ring. Women may wear one pair of plain stud earrings, if desired. Other forms of visible body piercing are not permitted to be worn while in uniform.

Q. How short will my hair have to be?

A. Appearance is important in the Canadian Army. Both men and women must adhere to certain hair guidelines. Men must wear their hair short and neat. Women can wear their hair in varying styles so long as it does not preclude the proper wearing of military headdress. Long hair must be worn in a braid.
Some exceptions to hair standards apply to certain religious and aboriginal groups.

Q. What are the opportunities to travel?

A. Once you have completed your initial training courses, there will be opportunity to apply for employment both inside and outside of Canada. Travel is an exciting part of the job and you will most likely get the chance to meet soldiers from other armies and travel to unique international destinations.

Q. What access do recruits have to families?

A. While you undergo your recruit course, time is allocated to ensure you are able to remain in contact with family and friends.

Q. Can I attend Church?

A. Yes. Chaplains are available on all military bases and church services are held on a regular basis. You may also elect to attend local community religious services in your spare time.

Q. How much vacation time will I get (Reserve Force)?

A. While employed full-time you will receive 1 days for each 15 days you work. While on part-time service you will receive 9% of vacation pay each time you get paid.

Q. What is the goal of DND and the CF?

A. The fundamental goal of DND and the CF is to protect Canada, and Canadian interests and values, while contributing to international peace and security.

Q. What does the Army do?

A. The combat-capable, multipurpose land forces are designed for the following duties:

Q. How do I tell the difference between commissioned officers and non-commissioned members of the CF?

A. Look at the sleeves of the uniform tunic (the jacket of the dress uniform) and the shoulders of other uniform clothing (shirt, sweater, windbreaker or overcoat).
For example, in the Navy, Officers up to the rank of Colonel or Captain have narrow gold rings around the cuffs of the uniform tunic and gold bars on the shoulders of other uniform clothing. General officers and flag officers wear a single wide gold ring on the cuffs of the uniform tunic and maple leaves on the shoulders of all uniform clothing. Non-commissioned members up to the rank of Sergeant or Petty Officer 2ndClass wear chevrons on the sleeves of the uniform tunic and on the shoulders of other uniform clothing. Warrant Officers and senior Petty Officers wear crowns on their cuffs of the uniform tunic and on the shoulders of other uniform clothing.

Q. How many members of the Communication Reserve are there?

A. The Communication Reserve has about 2,000 members in 23 units located across Canada.