Directorate of Learning Management

 About Us

CDA Organization

Education and
 Career Transition

 ChechMark About Us
 ChechMark Contact Us
 ChechMark Services
 ChechMark Work in Progress
 ChechMark Continued Education
 ChechMark Assess Prior

 ChechMark Apply for Financial

 ChechMark Developing Distance

 ChechMark Move on to
    Civilian Life

 ChechMark Plan Your Education
 ChechMark Director's Biography


Leadership and
 the Profession of

Directorate of
 Training and
 Education Needs

CDS Guidance
 to COs

Public Affairs


Library and

Reserve  Employment  Opportunities


About Us
Contact Us
Works in Progress
Continued Education
Assess Prior Experience
Apply for Financial Assistance
Developing Distance Education
Move on to Civilian Life
Plan Your Education
Director's Biography
Quick Links
CDA General Information
CDA Formation
Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
CF Continuing Education Programme (CFCEP)
CF Equivalency Database (CFED)
CF Military Equivalencies Programme (CFMEP)
Military Civilian Training Accreditation Programme (MCTAP)
Second Career Assistance Network (SCAN)
Education Reimbursement (ER)

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The Directorate of Learning Management (DLM) , is a principal change agent for the Canadian Defence Academy.

Change management can only come about through a practical agenda. The new Canadian Forces Professional Development philosophy championed by CDA emphasizes:

  • A continuous learning environment
  • Integrated learning models
  • Higher education for both officers and NCMs
  • Professional Development as a factor in recruiting and retention
  • Distributed learning
  • Professional and personal self-development
  • Accountability and performance assessment

DLM is an enabler for CDA to achieve each of the above and as such is intimately involved in achieving the CDA mission.

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