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DHRRE: Survey results will help achieve PERSTEMPO balance

The past decade has been a demanding one for the CF. Increases in the tempo of domestic and international operations combined with personnel reductions have resulted in many members spending an increased amount of time away from home, and the workload of those who remain behind has increased substantially. That there is a significant impact on both members and their families is now well known and accepted.

The CF initiative to address the impact of time away from home is sponsored by ADM (HR-Mil) and is known as the PERSTEMPO Project. The aim of the project is to provide the basis needed for leadership to develop PERSTEMPO policies and programs balancing the time members spend away from home for duty reasons with personal and family needs.

DHRRE Administration team. By CFPNDHRRE Administration team: Ms Shirley Langer (Admin Assistant), left,
Ms Dianne Majaury (Desktop Publications Support), Col Cheryl Lamerson (Director, DHRRE), Cpl Doris Tessier (Admin Support Assistant), and Mr. Eric Trudel (Survey Admin Assistant). Missing: Ms Penny Schinzel (Admin Officer).

Effective policy must be based on supportable analysis, and PERSTEMPO policy is no exception. Information regarding how time away from home is spent across the CF and the effects of that time away on members and their families is essential to meet the end state. To that end, the Directorate of Quality of Life (DQOL) has been collecting facts to use as a foundation for PERSTEMPO policies and programs. Known as the Human Dimensions of Deployment Study (HDDS), this collection and analysis effort is one of the most comprehensive social scientific efforts undertaken in the CF in at least the last decade. The design group includes defence scientists in partnership with university professors, experts from other federal government departments, and military staff from all environments of the CF.

The first step in determining PERSTEMPO facts was a series of face-to-face interviews. In 2000, focus group sessions and interviews were conducted with more than 1,500 members and spouses at every base and at many small sites across Canada. Interviews with personnel in Kosovo, Bosnia, Eritrea and the Middle East also took place. While this personal contact provided DQOL an excellent overall understanding of the issues from the perspective of those directly affected, it was evident that more facts from a broader cross-section of people were needed to make an eventual PERSTEMPO policy both balanced and supportable.

Five survey instruments are being used to capture the information. The first was mailed to more than 11,000 CF personnel in Canada in April 2002. The high response rate, especially given the length of the survey, illustrates the connection members make between the effects of time away from home and their own quality of life. Analysis of the data from this first survey began in October 2002, and will be a key factor in providing the foundation upon which effective PERSTEMPO policies and programs can rest.

Members who are deployed outside Canada or who have recently returned from OPERATION APOLLO will soon have an opportunity to provide feedback to the study through a second survey. A third questionnaire will go to medical, pastoral, and other CF service providers in 2003. A fourth survey will be sent country-wide to members' civilian spouses, whose participation will be crucial to our understanding of the spousal perspective of members' time away from home. The final questionnaire will be sent to former members; their participation will ensure we receive as complete a picture as possible of what has occurred in recent years.

The HDDS will give the CF the information it needs to develop effective PERSTEMPO policy, striking the right balance between the needs of the CF and the needs of members and families. If you, or your family, receive a PERSTEMPO survey, please take the time to complete it.

We are reading what you write. We are listening.

Your input counts, and will impact the CF for the better and for the long term.


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