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March 1st, I Quit! Challenge

March 1st, I Quit! logoThe Strengthening the Forces team is launching the March 1st, I Quit! Challenge to encourage DND/CF members to quit smoking.

According to a recent CF health and lifestyle survey, 29% of current CF members smoke. About 60% of those express the desire to quit. The Strengthening the Forces team views the March 1st, I Quit! Challenge as a good opportunity for smokers to quit, and anticipates at least 2 000 members will participate.

All DND/CF personnel—and CF personnel family members who have reached the age of majority—are eligible to participate.

Participating is easy. Smokers must stop smoking by March 1, and remain smoke-free until at least April 1. They must register at a Strengthening the Forces office (on bases across Canada) or at no later than midnight February 28.

Non-smokers may register as supporters of members who participate.

Participants and supporters will be eligible to win prizes including $1 000 cash prizes, DVD players, and digital cameras. The prizes are donated by CANEX, a division of the CF Personnel Support Agency.

The March 1st, I Quit! Challenge has been implemented at different locations in Canada and the U.S. with very positive results, and we anticipate equally positive results among DND/CF participants. Previous Challenges demonstrate how determined participants can be – one of four smokers definitely quits after participating.

We encourage you to take the March 1st, I Quit! Challenge.


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