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2000 HLIS facts

  • CF members are involved in aerobic activities—mainly walking, jogging/ running, bicycling and weight training—at a higher rate than is the general Canadian population.
  • 58% of Regular Force and 51% of Primary Reserve Force members say they would like to reduce stress.
  • Close to 90% of Reg Force and 86% of P Res members agree that being healthy means taking action to promote health or prevent disease.
  • Like many Canadians, CF members are concerned about their weight. Of those who consider themselves to be overweight, most see weight loss as a way to improve their health, and report an intention to take some action.

Regarding Occupational Health and Safety issues, the 2000 HLIS shows:

  • Physical injury, noise and vibration, bad air quality, and the risk of hearing loss are some of the greatest physical workplace concerns of CF members, while the greatest non-physical concerns are work overload and low morale.
  • The majority of CF members report they have worked with or been exposed to a wide range of chemicals, most often fumes from gasoline or diesel, fuel or kerosene and paints or solvents. This is higher for Regular Force and Army members.
  • Regular Force members have been involved in conflicts exposing them to hostile fire (16%) or handling dead bodies (12%). In the Primary Reserve Force, 4% report exposure to hostile fire and 3% to handling dead bodies.

HLIS Response Rates

  • Distributed to 78 000 serving Regular and Primary Reserve Force members.
  • More than 27 000 Reg Force members responded (50% response rate).
  • More than 6 500 P Res members responded (30% response rate).

  • Non-responses indicate a refusal to participate and/or a lack of receipt due to distribution problems.
  • Despite the lower than expected response rate, the results do provide a representative sample of the Reg and P Res Forces in terms of age, sex, rank and years of service. As such, the survey paints an accurate picture of their health and lifestyles.

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Table of contents  How healthy are CF members?  CF Health and Lifestyle Information Survey  Force Health Protection  Strengthened health care services respond to patient concerns  New health promotion programs feed mind, body and soul; Watch for new Strengthening the Forces programs  Smart training techniques reduce injuries  Survey results validate CF's medical reform process  2000 HLIS facts; Regarding Occupational Health and Safety issues; HLIS Response Rates  InfoBit: Post Living Differential