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Force Health Protection

The new Force Health Protection directorate conducts the Health and Lifestyle Information Survey (HLIS) as an important tool to monitor health trends, and develop and evaluate programs.

“The survey results will be used to design new programs for the CF,” says Captain(N) Margaret Kavanagh, Deputy Chief of Staff, Force Health Protection. “For example, the high injury rates and stress levels have led to the development of new injury prevention and stress management programs.”

Established September 1, 2001, Force Health Protection provides an unprecedented in-house and deployable health expertise to protect and promote the health and well being of CF personnel. A 47-person team of military and civilian health protection professionals provides expertise in four specific areas of Force Health Protection:

  • Epidemiology section: Measures, evaluates and manages health risks related to infectious and non-infectious diseases and injuries, on deployment and in-garrison; conducts occupational and environmental health surveillance using the HLIS and a planned electronic health data base called the CF Health Information System.
  • Occupational & Environmental Health section: Develops and provides guidance on policies, standards and programs for the prevention, control and management of environmental and industrial health hazards/public health concerns on operational deployment and in-garrison; evaluates unique military occupational environments and exposures; and manages Deployable Health Hazard Assessment Teams.
  • Communicable Disease Control section: Develops policies for the prevention, control and management of communicable diseases on deployment and in-garrison; supports operations, provides immunization and international travel medicine expertise.
  • Health Promotion section: Develops health promotion policies and consistent, core “Strengthening the Forces” programs in designated focus areas including addiction, nutrition, stress management, active living and injury prevention.

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Table of contents  How healthy are CF members?  CF Health and Lifestyle Information Survey  Force Health Protection  Strengthened health care services respond to patient concerns  New health promotion programs feed mind, body and soul; Watch for new Strengthening the Forces programs  Smart training techniques reduce injuries  Survey results validate CF's medical reform process  2000 HLIS facts; Regarding Occupational Health and Safety issues; HLIS Response Rates  InfoBit: Post Living Differential