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What's new?

One of the major changes in Canadian Forces Recruitment Group (CFRG) is our size.

Since 1999, our numbers are up as a result of our expanded recruiting drive/campaign, and heightened awareness of employment opportunities offered within the CF. We've grown from about 670 Regular, Reserve and civilian staff to more than 1 000. Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School (CFLRS) has shown the most growth – the number of staff has increased to 350, allowing an annual capacity of 4 800 non-commissioned members and 1 200 officers on basic training courses.

Not only have we grown in numbers, but our footprint is expanding as well. We are opening new offices in locations allowing us to better serve the communities from which we attract recruits. As well, we are upgrading and renovating our current recruiting offices to better serve our clients and to ensure we look the part of an “employer of choice” – competing successfully with private sector companies begins with positive first impressions.

How are we doing so far?

Most of you are aware of the recruiting drive that began in summer 2001. Our recruiters have been very busy since then.

In the first year of the campaign, our intake rose from the previous five-year (fiscal year (FY)) average of 8 100 Regular Force, Primary Reserve and Cadet Instructor Cadre members to more than 11 100 (about half of whom were Reg Force).

For the current year ending March 31, we again expect to reach our target of 11 000. In fact, this year more than 7 000 of the intake will be Reg Force. Although the official intake plan for FY 03/04 has not yet been confirmed, we do not expect to have to bring in more than 10 000 people, largely due to our success over the past two years.

What about ‘distressed' occupations?

When the campaign was launched in 2001, more than 25 NCM trades and 10 Officer occupations were considered significantly understrengthed. Now, most occupations are stable and are getting their recruits and officer cadets through occupation training.

The occupations that remain our biggest challenge are Navy technical trades and Medical staff officer occupations – but we're working on that.

What next?

Later this spring, expect to see a follow-up publication to the YOU make the difference! You are our best recruiters pamphlet. We will be providing the newest information in a consolidated format so that you can give up-to-date information to prospective applicants and point them in the right direction – to our recruiters, to be enrolled as the next generation of the CF.

Capt White is a Public Affairs Officer with CFRG.

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