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CFPAF: Education Assistance Loan Program

Service Income Security Insurance Plan (SISIP) logoThe CF Personnel Assistance Fund's (CFPAF's) Education Assistance Loan Program (EALP) assists serving and former members and their dependants with the costs of post-secondary education. The program comprises low-interest loans of $1200 and $1500, increasing in increments of $500 up to a maximum of $4000 per student per year, to a lifetime maximum of $16 000 per student.

Who may apply? Serving or former members who have served in the Canadian Army after October 1, 1946, or in the CF after January 31, 1968, and have a minimum of one year of Regular Force military service, are eligible to apply. Selection may be based on family income, years of service and individual family circumstances.

Repayment? Loans can be repaid over 12-, 24-, 36- or 48-month periods.

How do I apply? Application forms are available from CF Base Financial Counsellors, district offices of Veterans Affairs Canada, and the Provincial Command offices of the Royal Canadian Legion. You may also contact the CFPAF office at 234 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa ON, K1P 6K6; or by telephone at (613) 760-3447 or 1-888-753-9828.

When is the deadline? If you are seeking an ELAP loan in time for the semester beginning September 2003, your application should arrive at the CFPAF office by June 30. Otherwise, applications will be accepted throughout the year until the funds allotted for the EALP are exhausted.

Contact info? Visit for more information and a downloadable EALP application form.

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