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to DIN


Read the latest Personnel Newsletter and I am getting increasingly frustrated at our Admin services being put onto the DIN, with no paper backup. The reason for the frustration is that I do not have access to the DIN because of my current posting outside Canada.

Having access to the Employee Member Access Application would be nice, along with the Handbook of Canadian Military Life – both recently advertised in the Newsletter. But those of us not on the DIN can't see any of these sites.

When are we going to get password access into the DIN, or when is the DIN going to go Internet-only (with appropriate password access for certain sites)?


Due to security reasons, the DIN is not accessible to the general public (from private Internet Service Providers (ISPs)). Access to the DIN is limited to DWAN workstations/laptops with DND/CF Secure Remote Access (SRA).

Through SRA, remote users in North America with DWAN workstations/laptops can gain access to the DWAN via toll-free dial-up. For users outside North America, access to the DWAN can be provided through dial-up ISP Internet connectivity, again for users with dedicated DWAN workstations/laptops. Accounts are created, and workstations/laptops are configured by DND supporting IM/IT organizations.

Assuming you have access to a workstation/laptop that would qualify for DWAN access, you might want to start by opening a work ticket with your local helpdesk. They should be able to determine the viability of your request, and push it along to the proper authorities.

Upgraded CF Service Pin


In 1987, after serving 22 years in the Regular Force, I transferred to the Primary Reserve. At that time, I received a bronze CF Pin. In June 2002, after spending 15 years in the Primary Reserve, I transferred to the Supplementary Reserve, giving me more than 36 years of pensionable service. Am I entitled to upgrade my CF Pin to the Gold CF Pin? If so, how do I go about getting it upgraded?


Yes, you are entitled to a reissue of an upgraded Certificate of Service (forms CF 54/CF 75) and CF Service Pin.

Where additional service has been accumulated in another CF component subsequent to the issuing of the original forms CF 54/CF 75, either or both certificates will be reissued without cost to the CF member. In these circumstances, the original certificates, together with unit verification of additional service, a current photograph no larger than 3.8 x 5 cm, and any other particulars that need changing, should be forwarded to DMCARM 4-3-3 to initiate the reissue of new forms CF 54/ CF 75.

Visit (Intranet users only) or telephone (613) 996-7901 for more information.

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Table of contents  Defence Learning Network  CFPAF: Education Assistance Loan Program  Question Corner: Password access to DIN; Upgraded CF Service Pin  WINNERS!  Recruiter's Corner: First impressions...  ADM(HR-Mil) project ensures sound management of CF personnel records  DAIP: The gatekeeper