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 For information about the interim policy covering the administration of conscientious objectors, consult CANFORGEN 076/03 ADMHRMIL 030 101656Z JUN 03 at (Intranet users only).

 Find out how the CF Personnel Support Agency (CFPSA) serves YOU … and enter to win 100 000 CANEX Club XTra points! See this month's CANEX flyer or visit

 TASOP C&POs will host their 1st Annual SONARMAN/NACOP/ OCEANOP/TASOP Mess Dinner September 18, 1900 for 1930, C&PO Mess, Stadacona, CFB Halifax. Open to all serving and former SONARMAN, NACOP, OCEANOP and TASOP C&POs. Cost: ± $40.

Contact CPO 1 (Ret) Lenny Raymond at 902 477-8842 or, or CPO 2 Fraser Riggs at 902 427-0550 ext 3494 or, before August 15.

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Table of contents  CHRP designation gets national standards
 Legion supports morale programs for CF members  Question Corner: Post Living Differential  Injured Military Members Compensation Act provides for dismemberment benefits  InfoBit: Administration of conscientious objectors; Win 100 000 CANEX Club XTra points; 1st Annual SONARMAN/NACOP/ OCEANOP/TASOP Mess Dinner