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Resources and links

Welcome to the Resources and links section of the website. Here you will find links and references related to communications (bilingual reception, writing and meetings), translation and interpretation, and learning a second language. Also, to help put your official languages strategy in context, links to background information on the history and status of official languages in Canada have been provided.

Some links bring you directly to a resource. Other references are for text-based resources that should be available through a local or online bookseller. Even though certain links direct you to sites designed for the public service, the information and suggestions they contain may be easily adapted to suit your particular situation.

The following sampling of resources is not exhaustive. It has been designed to provide you with suggestions that will help your organization build its own resource collection.


· Dictionaries

The Canadian Oxford Dictionary, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press (2004)

Le Petit Robert : Dictionnaire de la langue française, Dictionnaires le Robert (2006)

Le Robert & Collins Senior : Dictionnaire français-anglais, anglais-français, Dictionnaires le Robert (2005)

· Specialized dictionaries

Bescherelle : L'Art de conjuguer, nouvelle édition, Hurtubise HMH (1998)

Bescherelle: Complete Guide to Conjugating 12000 French Verbs, bilingual edition, Hurtubise HMH (1999)

Canadian Oxford Paperback Thesaurus, Oxford University Press (2003)

Le Grand Druide des synonymes, Éditions Québec Amérique (2001)

Multidictionnaire de la langue française, 4e édition, Éditions Québec Amérique (2003)

Roget's International Thesaurus, 6th edition, HarperCollins Publishers (2002)

· Glossaries, terminology

Le grand dictionnaire terminologique, Office québécois de la langue française (French only)
Le grand dictionnaire terminologique de l'Office québécois de la langue française is an online terminological dictionary that covers over 3 million French and English terms specific to industry, science and commerce in 200 fields of specialization.

Language Toolbox - Translation Bureau, Public Works and Government Services Canada
The Language Toolbox offers you a wide range of terminology resources that will help you solve your trickiest language, terminology and usage problems.

Publications - Translation Bureau, Public Works and Government Services Canada
The Translation Bureau publishes vocabularies and terminology bulletins (over one hundred titles to date) in many areas of government activity. These publications are available to people in Canada and around the world and have become essential working tools for language professionals and for the general public.

TERMIUM ® - Translation Bureau, Public Works and Government Services Canada
More than a dictionary, TERMIUM ® contains specialized and highly specialized terms not found in any standard bilingual dictionary. TERMIUM ® also includes the Bureau's three writing assistance tools: The Canadian Style, Le guide du rédacteur and the Lexique analogique.

· Style guides, reference works

La banque de dépannage linguistique, Office québécois de la langue française (French only)
An educational resource that provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding grammar, spelling, punctuation, general vocabulary and abbreviations.

The Canadian Style: A Guide to Writing and Editing, 2nd edition, Translation Bureau, Public Works and Government Services Canada (1997) (English only)
You can use this reference to quickly find the correct way to use abbreviations, italics, bibliographies, geographical names, use of capital letters and more. The Guide deals with letter, memo and reports formats, notes and indexes. Also included is an appendix on how to present French words in an English text.

Editing Canadian English, 2nd edition, Editor's Association of Canada, MacFarlane Walter & Ross (2000) (English only)
This work addresses spelling, punctuation, French in English context, canadianization, avoiding bias etc.

Le français au bureau, 6e édition, Office québécois de la langue française (2005) (French only)
Le français au bureau addresses a range of linguistic difficulties encountered when composing letters, forms and other administrative and commercial writing.

Le guide du rédacteur, 2e édition, Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux, Canada (1996) (French only)
Revised and updated, this edition includes chapters dealing with punctuation, use of capital letters, bibliographic references, forms for correspondence and everything else one needs to know to communicate effectively in the French language.

Le guide de rédaction du gouvernement de l'Ontario, Government Translation Service Ontario (2001) (French only)
This is a technical publication designed to assist individuals who must prepare documentation in French for the Government of Ontario. It provides answers to questions relating to the subject of communication style in written French. This new edition also contains information relevant to the new 10-digit dialling system.

Plain Language: Clear and Simple, Human Resources Development Canada (1991)
(Also available in French: Pour un style clair et simple)
This reference presents a series of pertinent questions that you should ask yourself before you start writing. It offers guidance on how you should organize your information, choose words and construct sentences and paragraphs. It contains advice on presentation, highlighting the importance of headings, spacing, type style, graphics, and illustrations. The checklist at the end will help you gauge your success in writing plainly.

· Signage, posters, information sheets

Official Languages Symbol - Public Service Human Resources Management Agency

Official Languages Posters - Public Service Human Resources Management Agency
English or French...Go ahead, it's your choice!

Official Languages Publications & Guides - Public Service Human Resources Management Agency
Reminder - Advice to offer quality service to the public
From Bonjour to Au revoir - Usual expressions on the telephone in both official languages
Getting on Board - Advice on how to offer quality service to Canadians in both official languages

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Bilingual meetings and events

· Chairing bilingual meetings

Official Languages Publications & Guides - Public Service Human Resources Management Agency
The Hit Play - Chairing bilingual meetings
Chairing Meetings - How to successfully conduct meetings in both official language

· Planning bilingual meetings and events

Welcome - Getting the most from both official languages at popular events of national or international significance, Treasury Board Canada

Guidelines on how to prepare, present and participate in a bilingual conference, University of Ottawa

Guide to planning inclusive meetings and conferences, Treasury Board Canada

Checklist for the organization of special events, Canadian Heritage

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Bilingual positions

· Recruiting bilingual employees

Refer to the" Recruiting bilingual employees " information sheet for a listing of resources.

· Designating bilingual positions

The information found here explains the Government of Canada's procedure for assigning bilingual positions; however it may be a useful reference for organizations.

Determining the Linguistic Profile for Bilingual Positions, Public Service Commission of Canada

Linguistic Profile, Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation

· Good employment practices

For information concerning Canadian human rights and employment practices, consult the following websites:

Canadian Human Rights Commission - Federally Regulated Organizations

Canadian and Human Rights Commission - Provincial and Territorial Human Rights Agencies

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Translation and interpretation

· Associations

To find a translator or interpreter visit the Membership section of the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (CTTIC) website to locate your province or territory's association, order, chapter or society of translators, interpreters and terminologists.

· Sample translation contracts

Association of Translators and Interpreters of Nova Scotia
Sample Contract

Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario
Model Translation Contract

· Schools and programs for translation and interpretation

Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
Field of Study: Language Interpretation and Translation

Canadian Association of Schools of Translation - Member Programs

· Translation and interpretation funding

Support for Interpretation and Translation - Canadian Heritage

For a similar program available to organizations in New Brunswick, please visit:
Translation Program, Culture and Sport Secretariat - New Brunswick

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Learning a second language

· Educational resources and second language programs
A one-stop window on the Internet that provides access to information and resources related to second official language teaching and learning.

· Information sheets

Official Languages Publications and Guides - Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada
Ten Benefits of Learning and Using Another Language
Tips for Maintaining Your New Language Skills - Booklet giving examples of activities to maintain new language skills.

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Official Languages in Context

Our Official Languages: As a Century Ends and a Millennium Begins, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (2001)
Special publication marking the 30th anniversary of the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

Profiles of Francophone and Acadian Communities in Canada, 2nd edition, La fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada (FCFA) (2004)
Note: This website is in French only, however the documentation related to each provincial and territorial profile is available in French and English.

Statistical Profiles 2005: Francophones in Ontario, Office of Francophone Affairs, Government of Ontario (2005)
The Office of Francophone Affairs offers five profiles on the Francophone community in Ontario, based on Statistics Canada 2001 census data. The studies present an insightful portrait of the Francophone population.

Statistics - Official Languages in Canada, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (2001)
Map and fact sheets on Canadians that present demolinguistic data for each province and territory.

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Useful links

Canadian Heritage
Official Languages Support Programs

Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada
Official Languages Branch

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Date modified: 2006/04/24
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