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About the Ministry

Ministry Organization

Ministry Org chart - PDF version

The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services is committed to ensuring that Ontario's communities are supported and protected by law enforcement and public safety systems that are safe, secure, effective, efficient and accountable.

Administratively, the ministry's responsibilities fall into three categories:

  • correctional services
  • public safety
  • policing services

The Deputy Minister reports directly to the Minister.

The following positions report directly to the Deputy Minister:

  • Commissioner of Community Safety
  • Commissioner of Corrections
  • Commissioner of the O.P.P.
  • Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy & Strategic Planning
  • Assistant Deputy Minister/Chief Information Officer, Justice Technology Services
  • Assistant Deputy Minister, Corporate Planning & Services
  • Director, Communications Branch
  • Director, Legal Services

The following position reports jointly to the Commissioner of Community Safety and the Deputy Minister:

  • Assistant Deputy Minister of Public Safety

The following areas report to the Commissioner of Community Safety:

  • Office of the Fire Marshal
  • Office of the Chief Coroner
  • Emergency Management Ontatio
  • Criminal Intelligence Service Ontario

The following position reports jointly to the Commissioner of Corrections and the Deputy Minister:

  • Assistant Deputy Minister, Organizational Effectiveness

The following areas report to the Commissioner of Corrections:

  • Adult Institutional Services
  • Adult Community Corrections

The following areas report to the Commissioner of the O.P.P.:

  • Provincial Command, Field & Traffic Services
  • Provincial Command, Investigations/Organized Crime
  • Provincial Command, Strategic Services
  • Provincial Command, Corporate Services

The following boards and commissions report directly to the Minister:

  • Public Safety Officers' Survivor Scholarship Fund
  • Fire Safety Commission
  • Animal Care Review Board
  • Fire Marshal's Public Fire Safety Council
  • Ontario Police Arbitration Commission
  • Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services
  • Ontario Parole and Earned Release Board

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Last Modified: Dec. 1, 2006