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About the Ministry

Freedom of Information and Privacy Office

The This link will exit this site and take you to the Management Board Secretariat web site.Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act provides individuals with a right of access to records and personal information under the custody or control of Ontario government ministries and agencies. The Act also has privacy protection provisions concerning the collection, use, disclosure, retention and disposal of personal information. Further information about the Act is available from the This link will exit this site and take you to the Management Board Secretariat, Information and Privacy Office web site.Access and Privacy Office and the This link will exit this site and take you to the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario web site.Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario.

The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services' Freedom of Information and Privacy Office provides access and privacy services for the ministry and its agencies, boards and commissions.

How to Make a Request

Requests under the Act must be made in writing. As the Internet is not a secure communications vehicle, we are not able to accept requests via the Internet. Please call (705) 494-3080 to obtain the necessary application forms, or download and print an Access Request Application Form (.PDF file), and then submit the completed form by mail or fax.

If you are requesting to access personal information records on behalf of a client or another person, our standard Authorization for Release of Personal Information Form should be completed by that individual and included with your access request application form.

For information about the types of records held by the ministry, you may wish to consult the This link will exit this site and take you to the Management Board Secretariat, Information and Privacy Office web site.Directory of Records. When requesting information, please provide specific details about the records you wish to access.

An application fee of $5 payable to the Minister of Finance is required at the time you submit your request. You may pay by cheque, money order or credit card (Visa or Master Card).

Request Application Form
Authorization for Release of Personal Information Form

Where To Contact Us

Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Freedom of Information and Privacy Office
200 First Avenue West
P.O. Box 4100
North Bay, Ontario P1B 9M3

Telephone: (705) 494-3080
Facsimile: (705) 494-3081

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Last Modified: Oct. 20, 2006