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Emergency Management Program

The This link will exit this site and take you to the e-Laws website.Emergency Management Act requires all provincial government ministries to establish a risk-based emergency management program. As the largest and most diverse ministry in the provincial government, the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services is committed to ensuring that Ontario's communities are supported and protected by law enforcement and public safety systems that are safe, secure, effective, efficient and accountable. As part of the emergency management program, we have developed an Emergency Response Plan and Business Continuity Plan.

The Ministry Emergency Response Plan describes the arrangements in place and measures that may be taken by the ministry to respond to an emergency. The plan sets out the basic processes, organizational structures, responsibilities and procedures to guide the ministry in responding to emergencies. It also provides for the coordination of emergencies with other provincial ministries and municipalities, First Nation communities, and the Government of Canada and its agencies.

In addition, the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services has developed emergency response plans to ensure an effective coordinated response for the following areas of responsibility and types of events:

  • Any emergency that requires provincial coordination;
  • Nuclear and radiological;
  • Severe weather;
  • War and international conflict;
  • Other peacetime emergencies not specifically assigned to any one ministry;
  • Building structural collapse;
  • Explosion and structural fire;
  • Space object crash;
  • Terrorism;
  • Civil disorder

The Ministry Business Continuity Plan provides for a timely and appropriate response, implementation of continuity and recovery plans, and resumption of ministry services during and following an emergency. Each Business Unit (Branch, Office, Institution, Detachment, etc.) has developed a Business Continuity Plan in support of the ministry plan.

For further information on emergency management in Ontario and personal preparedness see the Emergency Management Ontario section of this website.

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Last Modified: Oct. 20, 2006