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About the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat

The Ontario Seniors' Secretariat influences and supports policy development across all government activities on behalf of Ontario's seniors. It conducts specific policy activities with a multi-ministry focus aimed at improving the lives of Ontario seniors. It works with other ministries and other levels of government to identify areas where policy development and coordination can result in improved services for seniors. The secretariat identifies issues and trends among Ontario's seniors' population through research data, demographic projections and regular dialogue with key seniors' groups.

The secretariat assists the Minister of Tourism, Minister responsible for Seniors to ensure other sectors of government, government-funded agencies and the public are sensitized to the needs and concerns of Ontario's 1.5 million seniors, and to the challenges to government and society posed by a rapidly aging population. The secretariat also responds to a large volume of requests for information for seniors on a wide range of topics.



  • Canadian Seniors Partnership
    The Canadian Seniors Partnership aims to provide Seniors with easy access to a new citizen centred government service delivery process for the 21st century. There will be a cooperative focus for services and programs for Seniors which will transform the way assistance is delivered and will ensure citizens have straightforward access to programs and services information when the contact is made by telephone, in-person, mail or by the Internet.
  • Federal-Provincial-Territorial Ministers responsible for Seniors
    The next meeting of Federal-Provincial-Territorial Ministers responsible for Seniors will be held in Quebec, Summer 2005.
  • Quarter Century Club
    The Quarter Century Club is a not-for-profit corporation which serves over 70,000 long term employees and retirees of Ontario's public service sector.


OSSLC members believe that the 2004 meetings have provided them with significant opportunities to discuss issues of concern and to bring forward to the government proposed new policy directions and changes to existing programs and policy that seniors need for them to have a better quality of life. The 2004 meetings also provided opportunities to strengthen collaboration between government and the organizations that represent seniors on public education initiatives.

Thelma McGillivray, Co-Chair of the Older Women’s Network said, “I have benefited from attending the Ontario Seniors’ Secretariat meetings with many dedicated and knowledgeable senior representatives. I have already noted some critical policy changes reflecting our one voice around issues impacting Ontario’s seniors. And for that I thank the Minister Responsible for Seniors on behalf of all seniors.”

2004 also saw OSSLC members achieve significant accomplishments in their own right. Some examples:

  • Canada's Association for the Fifty-Plus (CARP)
    Canada’s Association for the Fifty Plus is a non-profit organization with over 400,000 members. The organization promotes the rights and quality of life of mature Canadians on a wide range of issues.

    2004 Highlights

    • Prepared report on Protecting Small Investors and had follow up meetings with provincial and federal representatives to initiate recommendations.
    • Prepared report on CPP Underpayments and worked with Social Development Canada to improve the application process for seniors.
    • Met with Prime Minister Paul Martin urging him to fulfil his promise to establish a federal Seniors' Secretariat.
  • Canadian Pensioners Concerned - Ontario Division
    Canadian Pensioners Concerned (CPC) is a membership-based, non-partisan advocacy organization of mature Canadians committed to preserving and enhancing the life of citizens of all ages. CPC has particular concern for the quality of life for people in our society who by virtue of age, illness, physical or psychological disabilities or impairments, and/or economic need, are especially vulnerable.

    2004 Highlights

    • Development and distribution of Housing Positioning Statement. For more information, visit
  • Councils on Aging Network of Ontario
    The Councils on Aging Network of Ontario (CANO) is a network of agencies/organizations interested in issues of aging and the needs of seniors in Ontario. The organization coordinates, educates, advocates and researches to enhance the quality of life of seniors.

    2004 Highlights

    • Businesses and hospitals have been approached for Senior Friendly check-ups and training by CANO. Once completed, recommendations are made for improvements. A review of the establishments, which have participated, has shown an increased awareness of the needs of the senior consumer and the benefit to the business to have an environment that is Senior Friendly.
    • The Senior Friendly Program currently is running in Toronto, Windsor and Sudbury. CANO expects several new sites will be added by the end of 2005.
    • In Windsor, CANO has worked with the Falls Prevention Network to produce education session for seniors and caregivers and trained volunteers to act as presenters. CANO is also preparing for the "Aging With Vitality" Expo which will kick off next year's Seniors’ Month on June 1 & 2, 2005.
  • La Fédération des aînés francophones de l'Ontario
    La Fédération des aînés et des retraités francophones de l'Ontario (FAFO) is a provincial, non-profit organization with over 9000 members. FAFO promotes the interests of all francophone seniors (aged 50 and over) in Ontario.

    2004 Highlights

    • This year, with the financial assistance obtained through the Canada-Ontario Agreement on the Promotion of Official Languages, FAFO and OSS/MCI were able to develop and deliver seniors information fairs across Ontario. To date, over 1350 francophone older adults from Hearst, Toronto, Orleans/Ottawa, St. Catharines, Hanmer/The City of Greater Sudbury, Penetanguishene and Windsor have participated in the fairs, learning more about healthy aging, safe driving, avoiding frauds, among other topics in a centre where Francophones meet - whether at the parish hall or the seniors centre.
  • The Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command
    The Royal Canadian Legion supports programs for seniors, particularly through direct community-level activities, and housing projects. The Legion's Youth program provides scholarships and bursaries, sports programs and support to activities such as cadets, scouts and guides.

    2004 Highlights

    • Successfully lobbied Veterans Affairs Canada to have Veterans Independence Program (VIP) benefits extended to spouses and common-law partners of all veterans who were in receipt of VIP services in the years since the program began .
    • Two major recommendations of Liberal task force studying living conditions of seniors reflected recommendations in Legion presentation, namely: “That the Prime Minister appoint a Minister of State for Seniors and that the federal government use VIP as a model to develop a similar program that promotes independent living among seniors.”
    • The Royal Canadian Legion has entered into an agreement with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) to establish the Legion’s Long-term Care Surveyors Program. Legion members with an interest in Long-term care are screened and trained as surveyors to visit and interview veterans in the care of VAC. The Legion hopes that this model might be used to support provincial s in monitoring its long-term care facilities.
  • Older Women's Network
    The Older Women’s Network is a self-help organisation committed to promoting the rights, dignity and wellbeing of older women on a wide range of issues that affect older women’s lives.

    2004 Highlights

    • This year’s major accomplishment is the completion of a 142-unit housing co-operative in Toronto (115 The Esplanade) occupied by many older women with limited income.
    • Conducted research with the assistance of Status of Women Canada and Trillium funding on the housing needs of mid-life and older women, particularly a study on the “Shelter Needs of Abused Older Women.”
  • Ontario Coalition of Seniors Citizens' Organizations (OCSCO)
    The Ontario Coalition of Seniors Citizens Organization works to improve the quality of life for Ontario's seniors through offering education programs, policy and research, information, referral, counselling, research materials, outreach and support, self-help and volunteer programs.

    2004 Highlights

    • Released Seniors' Health and Housing Crossroads report developed in collaboration with Health Canada.
    • Held "Changing Regional Issues Into National Policies" forum which brought together seniors and non-senior allies from across the province. Ninety-three participants and four OCSCO staff worked together to generate ideas about policies that would enable seniors to remain in their communities.
  • United Seniors Citizens of Ontario
    The United Senior Citizens of Ontario Inc. (U.S.C.O.) represents 300,000 seniors and over 1,200 clubs throughout the province. The U.S.C.O. is an organization that promotes the best interests of senior citizens in a variety of ways. It is involved in the education and promotion of wellness, health, fitness, safety and recreation to its members and their associates and to provide a means whereby seniors can work together to have input on issues concerning them.

    2004 Highlights

    • As a result of USCO’s initiative, the establishment by the government of an Advisory Committee on Seniors' Housing to discuss issues of concern and improvements to seniors housing in Ontario.
  • Multicultural Alliance for Seniors and Aging (MASA)
    76 Wild Briarway
    Toronto ON M2J 2L4
    Phone: 416-494-834

    2004 Highlights

    • MASA continues to advocate for the interests of multicultural seniors

Contact Us

For more information please contact us at:

Ontario Seniors' Secretariat
777 Bay Street, 6th floor
Toronto ON   M7A 2J4

[Telephone]Seniors' InfoLine
Toll-free: 1-888-910-1999
TTY: 1-800-387-5559

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Last Modified: August 24, 2006