BC Housing
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Contact us

This section provides contact information for BC Housing:

  • BC Housing directory - Questions? The BC Housing directory provides a list of resources to ensure questions are directed to the appropriate place.
  • BC Housing office locations  - This resource includes a list of BC Housing office locations around the province and their addresses. Regional email addresses are also available here.  
  • The Housing Registry Access Points - The Housing Registry has Access Points around the province for individuals interested in applying to subsidized housing. Individuals can pick up application forms or update their profile at any of the locations provided on this list.
The following links provide information on how to contact other government housing resources:

  • Tenant resources - Looking for other tenant resources in BC? This link connects to the Information for Other Renters available on this website.
  • Housing website - The Province of BC has centralized all housing information into one website.
  • Enquiry BC - Check out Enquiry BC for information on other government ministries, Crown corporations or public agencies.