BC Housing
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Housing providers

BC Housing works in partnership with more than 650 non-profit societies, housing co-operatives and group home operators throughout the province to provide safe and affordable housing for people in need. We also partner with private operators to provide rent supplements for low-income seniors and people with disabilities living in private assisted living facilities.

This section of our website provides information and guidelines for these housing providers on:
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    Questions commonly asked by housing providers about The Housing Registry.

  • PRHC Group Home Guides
    These guides provide information for sponsoring ministries, health authorities and operators of group homes owned by the Provincial Rental Housing Corporation (PRHC). These manuals explain the roles of BC Housing’s property portfolio managers, and PRHC group home sponsors and operators.
  • Email notifications
    Individuals wishing to receive email notifications when the Housing Provider Kit or rent calculation updates are posted to the website can register by going to the Email notifications page.